How are they doing right now and what challenge do they face

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133501040

Problem A. Find an entrepreneur. It could be someone you know, a small business in your area, or even yourself (if you are an entrepreneur). This should not be a distant person you read about. It need not be in NJ, or USA. Anyone you know is fine.

Problem B. Ideally, you should talk to them for about an hour, and figure out exactly how they began, and how they became viable.

Problem C. Tell me their origin story. How did they start? How are they doing right now? What challenges do they face?

Reference no: EM133501040

Questions Cloud

Show the result of the hypothesis test identifying : Show the result of the hypothesis test identifying if there is a positive correlation between Beginning Salary and Salary for male employees.
Develop a market segmentation for your idea or technology : Start your own business Who is your customer? Develop a market segmentation for your idea, product, or technology.
Discuss the project budget and its allocation : Discuss the project budget and its allocation. Highlight any cost-saving measures implemented during the project. Discuss the resources assigned to the project.
Discuss how their pestel model compares with yours : When an entrepreneur evaluates opportunities, it is called idea screening. Discuss with other students how their PESTEL model compares with yours.
How are they doing right now and what challenge do they face : Tell me their origin story. How did they start? How are they doing right now? What challenges do they face?
What section of the residential tenancies act 1995 : What section of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 applies to this situation and explain why the Form 2 is now considered "void"?
Explain why you feel this way and support your explanation : Explain why you feel this way and support your explanation with course content. Either way, using the concepts we learned so far in this course
Provide the definition of independent and dependent variable : Provide the definitions of independent variable and dependent variable. Explain why they are critical to answering hypotheses and research questions.
What are the legal obligations of apple inc : What are the legal obligations of Apple Inc - Ensure you state the title of the legislation, a brief description, and the relevance to your business.


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