How are their contexts reflected in pieces you are comparing

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131148869

In a 3-4 page essay, compare and contrast the two stories. determine a clear and manageable topic you will use as the basis for your comparison and contrast essay.

- As you write the essay, stay focused on your chosen topic. Do not attempt to cover too much ground; do not re-hash the obvious. Instead, zero in on a unique point of comparison/contrast (characters, setting, theme, use of specific details, symbols or images).

- Draft a one-sentence thesis statement that argues your point. Then develop that thesis through the paragraphs that follow. The last paragraph should be a conclusion in which you tie everything together.

- Remember always to give focused, specific support as you discuss similarities and differences in the stories' treatment of the issue you have chosen to write about.

- Please refer to the "Comparison and Contrast Essay Instructions" included in the Course Materials for this class as you plan and complete this assignment. The instructions contain detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to craft an effective comparison and contrast essay.

Comparison & Contrast Essay

Sample Assignment Requirements

1. Discuss similarities and differences in a formal, analytical essay that follows one of the two common comparison and contrast formats (defined below).

2. Use evidence from multiple, academically credible sources. These sources, ideally, should consist of a mixture of at least three to five books, articles, credible internet sources, and the like. Of course, this is unless the assignment you are completing contains instructions that specify the number of sources you are required to use; you should always follow the requirements if they are stated.

3. Your comparison/contrast paper needs to be presented in the appropriate essay format, including an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, a coherent and well-developed, as well as well-supported body, and a convincing and well-founded conclusion.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Research

1. Conduct research on your comparison/contrast topic.

2. Look at source information about the two stories, poems, authors, etc., that you plan to compare and contrast. In the process, prepare to make an argument about how they compare. This is an academic paper, not a personal opinion piece. You need to review what experts have said as you construct your own evaluation.

3. Do not use ".com" Internet sources for the three to five required sources for this assignment. Between EBSCO, PALS and other information sources for the primary materials you have chosen, you should find sufficient academically credible material to use. If you would like to do additional research, feel free to do so. Be sure to order library materials early if needed and use a variety of sources.

4. Insert quotes for your essay (at least 3 from different sources) and be sure to cite each source correctly in your notes.

5. Summarize information you want to use. Be sure that the information you have found is credible and relevant to the essay assignment. Discard all information that does not relate to the questions you are supposed to answer.

6. Spend time reading and writing about the author behind each literary text. Who are they? How are their contexts reflected in the pieces you are comparing and contrasting? What are their objectives? What in their work appeals to you and why?

7. Be sure to take notes as you do your research and to hold on to source information. As you go along, put together a list of all materials you want to use in your paper. Cite them in correct APA format. (For guidance on APA format, see your Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab.)

Step-by-Step Instructions for Writing the Essay

1. Write an introductory paragraph with a thesis.

2. Make sure to meet the standards/requirements for the comparison and contrast essay assigned. Tell the reader what it is that you are comparing and contrasting and which specific points of comparison you will offer.

3. A standard comparison and contrast thesis looks like this:
"While ____ and ____ may appear to be similar because of ______, they are also different with respect to _________.
"On first sight, _______ and _______ appear to be quite different. However, it turns out that they are quite similar with respect to _________.

4. Based on your thesis, proceed to draft supporting evidence for your thesis.

5. Comparisons can follow one of two patterns:

o A/B Pattern - Discuss one author and his or her work completely (A), then go on to the next author and discuss him or her completely (B). Finally compare the two in the concluding section (A/B).

o ABABABAB Pattern - Discuss both texts at the same time and move point by point (concept by concept as in ABABABAB). Always use supporting evidence to back up your claims.

6. Aim for 5-7 solid body paragraphs (6-7 sentences per paragraph are standard). Note: If your assignment specifies a page requirement, you will need to complete the number of pages required. Dedicate the same amount of space to each item discussed.

7. Craft a conclusion that sums up your main points. Leaves the reader with a memorable thought

If you are following the A/B pattern (discussing one text first, then the other):

• Dedicate a paragraph or two to each point of comparison/topic of discussion.

• In each paragraph, back up your discussion of how the author/artist approaches the particular point with quotations or other evidence you have selected to illustrate your point.

• When you are finished covering 2 to 3 relevant points of comparison, move on to the second author and their treatment of the same topic.
If you are following the ABABABAB pattern (going point by point):

• Dedicate a paragraph or two to comparing how each author approaches one topic.

• Use examples to illustrate your point.

• When you have covered the concept and show how both authors/artists approach it in sufficient depth, move on to the next concept/topic and follow the same routine.

• Use the supporting evidence you have already drafted to work toward a complete draft of your essay.

• Flesh out all body paragraphs that need more work. Make sure you have used enough evidence and you have incorporated it well (quotations, paraphrases, summaries)

• Document all outside sources you have used in correct format, both in text - Author last name, page number - and on your APA style works cited page.

Final revision: Revise your essay into a final draft based on peer feedback or, if applicable, your instructor comments. Finalize your draft.

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Reference no: EM131148869

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