How are the physical characteristics of the users different

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM133772968

User Interface Design


Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of UI design

Problem Description
Increasingly, we live in the world where almost everyone has a smartphone with a multi-touch display. A2Z Bank has noticed this, and is wondering whether it is feasible to get rid of the keypads and screens on their Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs). To that end, they have tasked you with designing a smartphone interface that will enable a user to interact with the ATM. (Assume that a Bluetooth connection or similar will be established; this does not have to be part of your design, but it can be.)

One potential advantage of such a system would be that different versions of the interface would be presented to different users. Your task is to create three alternative interfaces:
• An interface for the "average user",
• An interface for children, and
• An interface for elderly users.

Your interfaces must support the following functions:
• Authenticate user
• Query account balance
• Deposit
• Withdrawal (of an arbitrary amount divisible by 10, up to a maximum of 500)
• Fast cash withdrawal (20, 40, 60, 80, 100)
• End session

Task Overview
Before you start your assignment, please do the following:
1. Start this assignment on the basis of Labs04, 05, 06 and 07. In lab 04, we have learnt how to create a scenario for an activity. In Labs05,06 and 07, we have learnt how to develop your designs into what is known as a digital prototype with Figma.
2. Carefully read this document and any attached documentation on LMS.

Here are the main tasks you need to do for thisassignment.
1. Create a persona for each user class.
2. Create a scenario with FigJam whiteboard corresponding to each persona.
3. Ideate on how to create an interface to satisfy each proposed scenario.
4. For ONE scenario, develop a digital prototype with Figma to implement your design.
5. Make a video walkthrough of your digital prototype.
6. Write a report.

Task 1 - Understand the needs of your users
While the functionality needed for each interface may be similar, the interfaces themselves might be different depending on the needs of the different types of users. Some questions to get you thinking:
- How are the physical characteristics of the users different? (For example, children may have smaller fingers/hands, while elderly folks are more likely to have declining eyesight. What are some other ways the groups would differ?)
- How are the cognitive characteristics of the users different?
- How are the usage patterns of the users different? (For example, a child is unlikely to deposit, but may have a cap on spending or other parental controls. How could you encourage positive spending behaviours in your users?
You do not have to submit anything for this task, but any insights you derive here would certainly assist in Task 2 and beyond.

Task 2- Create a persona for each user class
In this task, you are to create (using a tool of your choice, perhaps Microsoft Word or Powerpoint) one persona for each of your three user classes: child, adult, and elderly users.

Task 3 - Create a scenario for each persona
You need to create a scenario withFigJam whiteboard to describe the activity of how a persona uses the smartphone interface you're proposing to carry out a "typical" ATM interaction for that user.

Task 4-Ideation
Come up with as many ideas as you can to address each of the scenarios you created in Task 3. You are not required to use reverse thinking, SCAMPER, or a design charrette, but you may find any or all of them helpful in this task.

Task 5 - Develop a digital prototype
In this task, pick one of the scenarios you developed in Task 3 to develop into a medium-fidelity digital prototype using Figma.

In addition, you need to record a short video walkthrough of your digital prototype (you can do it with Zoom), in which you will demonstrate the behaviour of your prototype interfaces.

Task 6 - Record a video walkthrough for your digital prototype
Create and upload to YouTube (or similar) a video walking through and "pitching" your digital prototype as a viable solution for A2Z's design challenge.

Task 7 - Write a Report
The last task is towrite a short report. You can use the report template on LMS.


1. You report should include a brief introduction of your work, the three personas from Task 2, the three scenarios from Task 3 (as both an image in the report and a link to FigJam), the proposed ideas in Task 3, a link to your digital prototype on Figma and the link to the video, and the conclusion of your work.

2. Only one group member needs to submit the document (word or pdf) to the LMS.

Reference no: EM133772968

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