Reference no: EM131262017
Biology Genetic Assignment
a. What are the components of a nucleosome?
b. What is the difference between chromatin structure, and nucleosomes? How is chromosomal packaging tied to gene expression?
c. What is heterochromatin and euchromatin? How does heterochromatin lead to the suppression of gene expression?
d. Genes in Drosophila are silenced by heterochromatin. Provide a brief explanation based on the example presented in your textbook.
e. What type of chemical modifications are seen on histone tails that alter chromatin structure?
f. How are telomeres necessary for chromosomal integrity?
One example on how epigenetics plays a role in gene expression
Go to the link provided to answer the questions below:
1) Go to the link above. Scroll down on the webpage until you see a panel
- What type of mother are you? Investigate the difference between high and low nurtured rat pups
2) Go to the "what type of mother are you?" simulator, explore and take notes.
3) You will then go to the "Investigate the differences between high and low nurtured rat pups"
4) Once you have explored "what type of mother are you?" and "Investigate the differences between high and low nurtured rat pups", you can answer the questions below.
a. What is epigenetics?
b. What is the purpose of the glucocorticoid receptor?
c. In mice, how does methylation play a role in the expression of the Nc321 gene that encodes the glucocorticoid receptor?
d. What environmental factor plays a role in methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in mice?