Reference no: EM133757973
Discussion Post
Choose one of the following:
I. How can we conceptualize development? Is it the unfolding of a predetermined destiny or the creation of a unique being starting off with a blank slate? Before beginning any of the readings, how have you conceptualized the growth and learning of a child? If you have children, how does this impact your perspective of development?
II. Describe the interdisciplinary nature of the study of child development. Why is it important to look at the different domains of development, and the different influences on development in a coherent way?
III. Epigenetic research shows that environmental factors can affect the genetic make up of an individual, as well as their progeny. How does this research support or contradict any of the 5 developmental theories presented?
IV. With the plethora of information available to new mothers, it is often difficult to know if one is making the best choices for her child. How important are decisions like breastfeeding and vaccinating to a child's development? We tend to see many examples of people who "turned out alright" even though their parents made certain decisions in early development. Does this mean that these things don't matter? What else is at play?
V. Why is it difficult to identify the potential harm to a baby caused by drug use during pregnancy? How are researchers limited in their ability to parse out the effects of a variety of sources of influence on the developing fetus?
VI. Early intervention is a now widely accepted method of altering developmental trajectories such that young children at risk for developmental delays can potential eliminate or reduce those risks. What are some important milestones that should be targeted in an early intervention program? Can all milestones be taught, or does development simply unfold as the infant grows up?