Reference no: EM131918262
Question: Writing Assignment for Learning Strategies - Psychology 1300:
You are required to turn in this paper for this course. The following are the requirements:
• The topic of this paper is Social Responsibility: Social Responsibility means that people or organizations must behave ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues (Social Entrepreneur, 2014). Here is a list of topics related to Social
Responsibility that affect many people in our society today:
Social Responsibility Topics can include the following:
• Ageism
• Animal Rights
• Classism
• Disability Rights
• Environmental Issues
• Global Social Problems
• Human Rights
• Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Issues
• Lookism
• Racism
• Sexism
• Worker's Rights & Labor Activism
• Xenophobia
You may choose another topic related to social responsibility, but please discuss it with your professor before you begin and get their approval.
The questions you need to answer include ALL of the following:
1) Define the topic you chose
2) Why do you believe that topic is a social problem in our society?
3) How are people in this group treated in our society?
4) How have government (local, state and/or federal) attempted to address this problem?
5) What can you as an individual do to have a positive impact on this issue?
Instructions on how to construct your paper before you turn it in:
Now that you have answered the questions above, construct a 500+ word essay that summarizes your conclusions. The guidelines below should help you construct your essay.
Type your paper using APA-style: 1" margins on all sides, 12-point Times New Roman; page number and running head in the upper left corner, double spaced and black ink only.
1) Cover Page/Title Page: be sure to include the title of your essay; your name; the
course name and section number; my name (spelled correctly); and the due date.
2) Introduction paragraph: give the topic you chose, briefly explain the purpose for writing the essay.
3) Body paragraphs: answer all the questions above. Questions 2-5 would be 4 paragraphs.
4) Conclusion paragraph: answer all the questions above. Questions 2-5 would be 4 paragraphs.
5) Reference Page if you used any references: be sure to give credit to ALL sources you use. Use APA-style to cite your sources.
Turn your paper in via the method designated by your professor by the due date.
NOTE: Using someone else's words without giving them credit is called plagiarism. Likewise, this is an individual project, NOT a group project, so your answers should not be identical to another student's answers. Copying from another student is considered cheating.
Suspected incidences of plagiarism or cheating will result in a grade of 0 on this assignment and a disciplinary referral to the Vice President of Student Services.