How are html and java affecting business applications on web

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131649338

Discussion Question 1: Computer Capabilities

What processor, memory, magnetic disk storage, and video display capabilities would you require for a personal computer that you would use for business purposes? Explain your choices.

Discussion Question 2: Scripts and Languages

How are HTML, XML, and Java affecting business applications on the Web? Give examples. What other scripts and languages (i.e. Visual C++) do you use in your current (or previous) work situation?

Reference no: EM131649338

Questions Cloud

Influence the incidence and manifestations of acute : What are the pathophysiological factors that influence the incidence and manifestations of acute, episodic, and chronic disease of hypertension across the lifes
How might the business be structured : How might the business be structured? What might be some of the legal issues that could arise in operating the business and selling the product?
Organism in millimeters and in microns : If you are looking at an organism in the Nikon compound microscope through the 10X lens and the organism measures ¼ the length of the field size
Microscope in a gram stained slide : Discuss the morphological features of a bacterium that can be seen under the microscope in a Gram stained slide.
How are html and java affecting business applications on web : How are HTML, XML, and Java affecting business applications on Web? Give examples. What other scripts and languages do you use in your current work situation?
Explain the resources into the production system : At a small computer peripherals company, only 60% of the hard drives produced passed all their performance tests the first time.
Programmed development of the human body : Discuss parallels between programmed development of the human body (developmental anatomy), how numerous cells function cooperatively
Concepts of the deep ecology platform : What are the main concepts of the Deep Ecology platform? Do you agree or disagree with each of them?
Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour : MN502 - Overview of Network Security - Security Challenges in Emerging Networks - Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour with regard to network security


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