How are genes and chromosomes involved in inheritance

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133454967


  1. How are genes and chromosomes involved in inheritance?
  2. How are a person's alleles related to their physical appearance?
  3. Give a description of how DNA coils to condense inside the nucleus?
  4. What events occur that make it necessary for DNA to uncoil?
  5. An organism that has a diploid number (2n) of 40 has how many homologous chromosomes?
  6. Evaluate this statement-"All homologous chromosomes have the same genes, but not always the same alleles."
  7. Males have what sex chromosome combination?
  8. What is sexual reproduction?
  9. Why must gametes contain half (n) the number of chromosomes as body cells?
  10. How does the process of meiosis reduce the chromosome number from 4n to 1n?
  11. Are the daughter cells the same or different from the starting parent cell? Explain.
  12. Explain where in the body meiosis occurs and how the cells produced are different from skin cells.
  13. What changes can occur to a chromosome during crossing-over and when does it occur?
  14. What are the general patterns of inheritance?
  15. Can you determine the genotype of an individual that expresses a recessive trait?
  16. How many alleles influence each trait's expression?
  17. Explain how an individual can express the dominant trait, but produce offspring that express the recessive?
  18. Why are some traits not expressed in every generation?
  19. If a trait appears to skip a generation then it is usually what type of inheritance?
  20. Traits that are seen in all generations are usually what type of inheritance?
  21. Is everything recessive or dominant?
  22. If a trait is incompletely dominant, how does the phenotype of the heterozygote differ from the homozygous?
  23. Explain why a person with AB blood type can't have a child with O blood type?
  24. In what ways is gene expression related to environmental factors?

Reference no: EM133454967

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