How are educators expanding curriculum to become more

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133513592

Case Study: Exposing students to diversity in people, stories, experiences, cultures, religions, etc. will ultimately prepare them for future and present experiences. Considering multiculturalism and diversity when planning curriculum can make learning more relevant in our global world.

Question: Chiariello (2012) uses the term, "culturally responsive instruction", which provides teachers with an opportunity to integrate diversity into instruction and encourage collaboration for the betterment of all students" (para. 1). As culturally responsive teachers, we are charged to navigate the standards to accommodate all diverse learners. How are educators expanding curriculum to become more culturally responsive so all students have an opportunity to learn and be successful?


Reference no: EM133513592

Questions Cloud

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Why is collaboration so important in technical communication : Why is collaboration so important in technical communication? What are some of the things you need to know about your intended audience?
How are educators expanding curriculum to become more : How are educators expanding curriculum to become more culturally responsive so all students have an opportunity to learn and be successful?
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About Native Americans : Based upon what you have been taught about Native Americans, if you were to give me a population estimate of the number of Natives in the Americas
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In what ways could the messages be considered propagandistic : What sorts of messages were encoded in Babylonian and Assyrian art? In what ways could these messages be considered propagandistic?


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