How are different racial groups portrayed in the film

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133329394

Assignment: Crash, by Paul Haggis An Annotated Bibliography Assignment The article should address one of the following questions:


  • How are different racial groups portrayed in the film?
  • How are different ethnic groups portrayed in the film?
  • How is gender portrayed in the film?

The article cannot be from the journal College English. Be sure to give your annotated bibliography a title that reflects the nature of your project. Your annotations must follow MLA guidelines. Use hanging indent to format your annotations, and double space each annotation. Annotations

1) give the bibliographic information for the article,

2) evaluate the article, and

3) without using quotation,

summarize and paraphrase the article in no less than seven sentences. Your annotation will look like this: Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article. Title of Journal, vol., no., Year, pp. What are the author's qualifications or level of expertise? How difficult would this article be for the average college student? How difficult would this article be for the average high school senior? What does the author of the article focus on in the article? According to the author, how does the film portray this group or these groups? (Write five to seven sentences summarizing and paraphrasing the writer's perspective and be sure to give attribution to the writer throughout your summary.)



Reference no: EM133329394

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