How are bertie and his way of life deficient

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Reference no: EM133430257


1. Lawrence often connects sight with intellect, touch with instinct. Is "The Blind Man" a story of the conflict between them? (See the Introduction,

2. The locale is divided between farm and house. Discuss the contrast and relate the opposition to the conflict and theme of the story. (See the Introduction,

3. Isabel is in the middle-between Bertie, a cousin, and Maurice, her husband. How do they represent the poles of her character? What is Lawrence's attitude toward Isabel?

4. "At the centre of him he was afraid, helplessly and even brutally afraid." Lawrence seems to tell us this as an omniscient author, not through Bertie's angle of vision. He tells us what characters deeply feel but could never acknowledge : "At the centre he felt himself neuter, nothing." He speaks like a prophet. How does this tone affect the theme of the story?

5. "I suppose we're all deficient somewhere, said Bertie." How are Bertie and his way of life deficient? Paradoxically, the blind man seems generally more complete, more peace. Discuss.

Reference no: EM133430257

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