Reference no: EM133253332
Assignment - Electrical Engineering Question
Description - Read through this article and this article then describe how the theory of light has changed between the middle of the 17th century and now. Some things to consider as you read: What were the main faces of the theory though time? Connect the causes with the need for change. Explain whether you think the current version of the theory is the final form or if will change again. If it does need to change, what current aspects of light's nature still need to be more completely explained?
Your response needs to be in the form of a PSA. The concept is how has the theory of light changed over time. The requirements for the PSA are as follows:
Public Service Announcement - You are charged with writing a public service announcement that could be posted on a bathroom wall on one of the assigned CONCEPTS.
1. The PSA must be NO LONGER than 30 seconds when read aloud.
2. The CONCEPT must be identified at least twice during the PSA.
3. The PSA must include at least 5 vocabulary terms or phrases from the current unit.
4. Each vocabulary term or phrase must be highlighted.
5. After the reading of the PSA, there must be a one-sentence declaration of the organization responsible for developing the PSA.
6. A billboard or sign illustration for the side of a bus advertising the PSA must be designed (minimum of four colors) and drawn.
7. Write a 2 to 3 paragraph long explanation of how and why the PSA would influence people to better understand the main CONCEPT.