How and why electrolyte imbalances can affect a patient

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133526856


- fluid and/or electrolyte imbalances and how to and perform a comprehensive head to toe clinical assessment.

- The features of overload, dry and normovolaemic for each body system.

- How osmolality works

- Tphysiological responses/changes that occur in the body to maintain osmoregulation and the regulation of vascular volume.

- The causes and effects of fluid volume excess and fluid volume deficit.

- The term 'third spacing' and provide an example of when third spacing occurs.

- How and why electrolyte imbalances can affect a patient's physiology, behaviour, mood and mental state.

- Identify at least two nursing strategies to facilitate accurate fluid balance documentation.

- The importance of maintaining consistent and accurate fluid balance charts to ensure positive patient outcomes.

- Why is a daily weight an accurate form of volume status and how to ensure that a daily weight is accurate.

- Describe the investigations and targeted assessments that should be completed to fluid/electrolyte status.

- Identify the treatment and management goals for a fluid and/or electrolyte imbalance.

- Identify patients who are at risk of refeeding syndrome.

- Discuss the risk of rapidly reintroducing nutrition to a starving or malnourished patient.

- Discuss how the electrolyte shift occurs and how this can be managed.

- Discuss a place of care for the re-establishment of good nutritional status.

Reference no: EM133526856

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