How and why could PI face risks under product liability

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132006515

Question - Background: BCA has scheduled another meeting with the PI owners to further discuss the risks and liabilities of tort law. This meeting will focus on product liability.

Pat and Gale asked you to participate in the PI meeting and to be prepared to discuss specific product liability risks related to PI''s use and resale of Naturals products.

Instructions: To prepare, research product liability law, product liability claims, and parties who can be sued in product liability cases.

Write a summary to the following questions to use as a basis for discussion in the PI meeting with BCA and to help educate PI owners about potential risks and liabilities under product liability law.

Label answer parts.

A. How and why could PI face risks under product liability for reselling Naturals paint products to clients for whom PI is completing a residential painting job?

B. How and why could PI face risks under product liability for reselling Naturals paint products over the internet?

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The solution answers the two questions asked in the case study. It follows APA guidelines with in text citations and two references added. The solution is completed in 300 words.

Reference no: EM132006515

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6/4/2018 2:42:04 AM

Subject: Business Law & Ethics. Demonstrates critical analysis, depth of analysis, comprehensive development of concepts, issues, and their application to facts; shows evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts. Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical & spelling errors. Posts contain the appropriate number of APA in-text citations and reference list matches; no errors are present. Fully follows instructions, attempts all required parts of learning activity.

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