How and when would you inform them about the downsizing

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131765867



• This essay exam will prompt you to reflect on the ways in which the issues and concepts raised in class will shape how you will manage people.

• This is your opportunity to show me that you are learning from this course, and that you can apply what we have learned to real organizational environments.

Writing Instructions

• You will write two responses. You MUST answer question #1. For your second response, you can choose from the two remaining questions. Enter in the question number and letter in each section of your response.

• Write in prose (not bullets). Employ techniques of effective business writing (i.e., be clear, concise, straightforward, and explain or support your points).

• The questions are designed for you use the readings (and other knowledge you have) and think about how they apply to a real work context.


• I expect you to draw from course content only: assigned readings, lectures, online work, and any exercises that we have done in class. The writing must be your own.

• Refer to only two sources: (1) your own mind, and (2) any materials from our course (including the textbook, anything posted on Beachboard, and anything said or done in class). Do not refer to or include research from any other additional sources.

• No need to provide citations.

• YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUALLY. YOU MAY NOT WORK WITH, OR CONSULT WITH, ANYONE ELSE. Any violations of the above instructions may be considered a violation of our CBA Honor Code.

You MUST answer this question:

1. Multicultural workforce.

You are a founding member of a growing company. As you are on the brink of releasing a new product that you are selling to multicultural markets, you need to quickly hire approximately 12sales and marketing employees that will be culturally diverse (i.e. members are from different countries). These employees will work together on launching this new product, which will entail frequent communication, international travel together to several locations, and many decisions to make within tight timelines. They will have work that is structured both as a team (with all 12 of them), and also in pairs and individually (as they go out and make sales).

a. Describe two possible challenges that may arise as a result of the cultural diversity of this workforce, as compared to homogenous employees. For each challenge, explain or give an example of how it may impede work progress.

b. What are two specific suggestions that you can share with these employees on how to prevent communication challenges?

c. Name and explain one cultural value or dimension that we learned about in class, and describe how it may translate into behavioral differences within this team.

Respond to ONE of the two following two questions:

2. Virtuous downsizing.

You are the general manager of a division (the top position in the division). The decision has been made at headquarters to downsize approximately 40% of your employees. While you did not have direct input into the decision, you have to execute the downsizing effort over the next several months.

a. What are two specific things that you, as the general manager, would implement in the downsizing process, so that it goes as easily as possible? Consider both the downsized employees and the "survivors" in your response. Consider also the selection criteria that you would use to decide who to let go.

b. Describe how you would communicate the message to all employees. How and when would you inform them about the downsizing? Consider any relevant state of California statutes that influence this timeline.

c. Describe two things you would do to help or accommodate downsized employees. In doing so, explain why it is important to treat employees with respect and dignity during a downsizing process.

d. Explain whether or not you would engage in any kind of employee monitoring of the performance or activity of the "survivor" remaining employees. How would this help, or not?

3. The power and peril in rewards

a. Describe a situation that you are aware of in your current or a past workplace where there was some form of "folly" (rewarding A and hoping for B; the wrong behaviors were being rewarded; etc.). Analyze and explain how did the situation became this way.

b. What would you do to improve the situation? Use your best knowledge of how to motivate employees, and your knowledge of practical constraints in the current context, to design a change in the rewards system that you think will remove the folly and point the incentives towards excellence. Explain two specific strategies or changes you would make.

c. Justify your design change plans-why will they work?

d. State and explain as to whether or not it would be effective to use telecommuting or other forms of flexible work arrangements as another form of rewards in this organization/workplace setting.

Reference no: EM131765867

Questions Cloud

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