How and when did modern yoga come into being

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Reference no: EM131099274

Spirit of Indian Philosophy (Radhakrishnan) and History of Yoga (Bryant, pp. xxvii-xxi only).

: The Upanishads (Radhakrishnan), Iyengar on thekoshas, excerpt from Taittiriya Upanishad, Eight limbs of Yoga from Tree of Yoga and this article from Yoga Journal.

: Elements of Culture

A History of Modern Yoga (pp. 190-195 ONLY - not the whole PDF)

The Roots of Yoga

Read Broad article first, then McCall's response. Also read "The Problem with Pain in Yoga." 50 scientific studies on yoga and this article ontherapeutic yoga.
Bhagavad Gita - chapter 2 (attached)Mitchell BG chapter 2.pdf

Exam Questions

Respond to three (3) of the following questions, which will be evaluated according to the rubric below. Address the information requested and respond to the question based on your understanding of the material covered. Cite course readings and additional sources as described above and as outlined in the following rubric. Your response to each question should be between 250-500 words (1-2 pages).

1. The Vedas - Who wrote the Vedas? When were they written? What themes do they cover? What is the relationship between the Upanishads and the Vedas? How do the Vedas serve as the basis for modern-day understanding and expressions of yoga?

2. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (YSP) - Who wrote YSP? When? What is the structure of the work? What are its main lessons? How do these lesson serve as the basis for modern-day understanding and expression of yoga?

3. Bhagavad Gita (BG) - Who wrote the BG? When? What distinguishes it as a different kind of written work as compared to the Vedas? What are the three paths of yoga advocated in the BG? How are they similar and different to each other? How do they serve as the basis for modern-day understand and expressions of yoga?

4. Modern Yoga - How and when did "modern yoga" come into being? How do some of the works we read during the semester define modern yoga? Name two pioneers of modern yoga describe their influence on the way yoga is understood and expressed in modern times. How is yoga practiced differently in the "West" vs. India in modern times?

5. Elements of Modern Yoga Culture - Explain how "culture" can be described, analyzed, and understood. Name at least five (5) representations of modern yoga culture and describe how they might shape how yoga is understood and practiced in our modern cultural setting.

Reference no: EM131099274

Questions Cloud

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How and when did modern yoga come into being : Who wrote the Vedas? When were they written? What themes do they cover? What is the relationship between the Upanishads and the Vedas? How do the Vedas serve as the basis for modern-day understanding and expressions of yoga?
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