How an organizational structure allowed for misuse of power

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133305515


  • Discussions occur when there is dialogue; therefore, you need to build upon the posts and responses of other learners to create discussion threads.
  • Make certain that all posts or responses address the question, problem, or situation as presented for discussion. You should extend the topic, but do not stray from the topic.
  • When relevant, add to the discussion by including prior knowledge, work experiences, references, web sites, resources, etc. (giving credit when appropriate).
  • Contributions to the discussions should be complete and free of grammatical or structural errors.
  • Avoid repeating of explicit information in the text. Formulate answers that can be interpreted through various perspectives.
  • Compare, contrast, and look for connections between articles assigned on a given day with each other or with past articles assigned for class.
  • Look for gaps in authors' reasoning.
  • Think about the broader issues that the author's arguments point to.,
  • Look for connections between theoretical pieces assigned and concrete actions that can be taken to put them in practice.
  • Consider connections to current event issuest.

Question: More often than not, we use the word Power in a negative connotation, rather than in a positive connotation. Applications of Power can easily conjure up thoughts of strength, weakness, imbalance, privilege, authority, submissiveness, or autocracy. In the Power module content and assignment we focus on positive use of power for effective influence. For the discussion board, let's consider the negative aspect(s) of Power.

Share an example of a leader's misuse of Power, and how an organizational structure or system allowed for (aided or abetted) that misuse of Power.

Reference no: EM133305515

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