How align with principle of sustainable strategic management

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133769084

Assignment: Building A Sustainable Organisation


Task I: Sustainable Strategic Management

1. Evaluate Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel Limited's sustainable strategic management approach in addressing climate change risks.

2. Identify specific tools used and discuss how these align with the principles of sustainable strategic management.

Task II: Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making

1. Analyse the roles of Anand Mahindra and Anirban Ghosh in driving climate leadership at Mahindra Group.

2. Assess the social responsibility considerations in negotiations, influence, and agreement within the leadership team, especially regarding sustainability commitments.

Task III: Innovation and Collaborative Problem-Solving

1. Drawing upon pertinent studies in entrepreneurship and innovation, such as Sarasvathy's work on causation and effectuation (2008), examine Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel Limited's entrepreneurial and innovative solutions for reducing GHG emissions.

2. Discuss potential challenges and propose innovative problem-solving strategies.


Reference no: EM133769084

Questions Cloud

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Explain the risk for the development of down syndrome : Explain the risk for the development of Down syndrome and the recurrence risk in a second pregnancy.
Define and explain the travel motivations : Define and explain the travel motivations. Explain Crompton's theory of Pull and Push factors of tourism with examples and statistics.
How align with principle of sustainable strategic management : Identify specific tools used and discuss how these align with the principles of sustainable strategic management.
Evaluate a wide range of contemporary management issues : Critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary management issues by synthesizing relevant theories in the contemporary global business environment.
What is your evaluation of each of the three businesses : Answer the following for this case: What is your evaluation of each of the three businesses? What is your evaluation of the managers who run them?
Write a memo outlining the countrys most up to date ndc : Write a 2-page memo outlining the country's most up to date Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and other climate policies.
Adult patient becomes unresponsive : An adult patient becomes unresponsive while you are attempting to clear their obstructed airway.


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