Reference no: EM131591944
Directions: The objective of our 1st Response Paper is to be a standard five-paragraph essay (introduction paragraph + 3 body paragraphs + conclusion paragraph) assessing how Alain de Botton's thoughts about Socrates's life can be relatable or applicable to our own lives. To do so, please follow the instructions and guidelines in each of the sections below as you compose your assignment.
Introduction & Thesis Statement: You should first select one of the two quotes below from our textbook reading. Start your paper by typing out the chosen quotation. Then, and most importantly, think of a memory from your past (could be from 12 years ago or last week) that the quotation reminds you of (something that happened to you or that you observed of someone else...) and then break that memory down into three lessons you learned from it about yourself or others. Your description of this memory, how it connects to the selected Botton quote, and a short summary of the three lessons one can learn from it all make up your paper's Introduction paragraph and Thesis.
· Select one of the following Botton quotes to respond to:
- "it is initially extremely hard to tell a good product of thought from a poor one..." (page 31)
- "What should worry us is not the number of people who oppose us..." (page 29)
Body Paragraphs: Each of the three lessons you briefly detailed in your Introduction paragraph should be the focus of each Body Paragraph (one lesson per body paragraph). Open each Body Paragraph with a clear stating of the lesson to be discussed (Topic Sentence). Follow that up with your own explanation of HOW that lesson was learned from the experience/memory you mentioned in your Introduction; be specific and detailed in your relating the lesson to the memory/experiences (Example and Analysis). Be sure to follow this process for each of your Body Paragraphs.
Further Requirements: Additional elements to consider and include in this assignment are...
· 2 - 3 pgs in length