Reference no: EM131132048
Computer Ethics
eActivity 1
• Many of the regulatory requirements discussed throughout this course are developed by various regulatory organizations and agencies. Additionally, there are many people and entities involved in the overall rule-making process. Review the information located at and be prepared to discuss.
Discussion 1
"The Rule-Making Process" Please respond to the following:
• From the e-Activity, describe the rule-making process, how agencies become involved in the rule-making process, and how other people can become involved in the rule-making process.
• From the e-Activity, determine if you believe that this rule-making process is effective or if it takes too long to implement new rules and regulations. Discuss whether or not this strengthens the American Legal System.
Information Systems
Discussion 1
"IT Diffusion Models" Please respond to the following:
• Review the IT diffusion models, select two models, then compare and contrast how these models would facilitate a company in the country and business sector of your choice. Be sure to state your business sector. Then, explain how the IT diffusion models may affect it.
Discussion 2
"Strategic Alignment" Please respond to the following:
• Evaluate the approaches by company executives to align an organization for future growth and success. Discuss additional approaches not mentioned in the textbook that may be warranted in aligning an organization for future growth and success. Explain your response.
What is the probability of obtaining a red ball on any draw
: If we obtained a red ball on each of the first n draws, what is the probability that we are using urn A?
Analyze hr executives outsourcing decisions
: What has been left unaddressed in the Human Resource Competency Study? Explain your concern or rationale in thinking something might be missing.
Analyze the effects of legislation on hr outsourcing
: From your research, describe three specific effects you think such legislation would have on outsourcing of health care benefits. What specific actions can HR professionals take to enable employees to navigate the complexities of PPACA?
Find the median of all 2n elements in arrays x and y
: Give an O(lg n)-time algorithm to find the median of all 2n elements in arrays X and Y.
How agencies become involved in the rule-making process
: From the e-Activity, describe the rule-making process, how agencies become involved in the rule-making process, and how other people can become involved in the rule-making process.
Big-oh characterization
: Give a Big-Oh characterization, in terms of n, of the running firm of the following algorithm. A is an array of integer values.
Write a synthesis essay from the source crawford and auth
: an essay that synthesizes at least three of the sources for support, take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that America needs an official language.
Identify each statement as true or false
: The transfer of stock from one owner to another requires the approval of either the corporation or other stockholders.
Show the internal state of the array
: Use the QuickSort algorithm to rearrange the array. Clearly show the internal state of the array after each pass of the sorting process.