Reference no: EM133778113
Assignment: Hands-on Activity - Heart Rate
Part A: Read the Textbook
Read Concept 1.3 in your text very carefully.
Part B: The Effects of Activity on Heart Rate
Now that you are more familiar with the scientific method, your new knowledge and skills will be put to use in a hands-on exercise.
In this exercise, you will be exploring the effect of different activity levels on your heart rate (heart rate is number of heart beats per minute). You will also be looking at the effect of activity on your classmates' heart rates.
1. What have you observed in the past about the effect of physical activity on heart rate?
2. What kinds of questions do you come up with when you think about activity and heart rate?
3. Does everyone's heart rate increase when they increase their physical activity?
4. What causes one person's heart rate to go up a lot and another person's not much at all?
5. Do women's heart rates go up more than men's heart rates or is the reverse true?
6. How does age affect the relationship between activity and heart rate?
Do the following:
Measure your heart rate per minute while you are at rest. You will do this four times and calculate your average heart rate per minute.
Measure your heart rate per minute after this activity: you will step quickly up and down a stair step or a street curb for 30 seconds. You will do this activity four times and calculate your average heart rate per minute after each round of the activity.