Reference no: EM133826265
Riverside downtown, CA answer all the question under transportation, employment opportunities and housing and infrastructure based off people who live within the area and business owner.
A brief introduction to the neighborhood(s) you studied, including its history and/or demographic breakdown.
- Detailed observations, supported by specific examples, of the social, economic, and physical aspects of the neighborhood. Connect these observations to sociological theories and concepts we have studied in class (structural inequality, social stratification, economic mobility, intersectionality, etc).
- Think about how various elements-such as housing quality, access to food and healthcare, or policing-may reinforce or challenge class distinctions.
- Consider how these structural factors contribute to or perpetuate social inequalities and affect the lives of individuals from different social classes.
- A conclusion that discusses the implications of your findings for understanding broader social patterns and inequality in society.
How accessible is public transportation? Are there signs of a lack of mobility (e.g., poorly maintained roads, absence of bus routes)? What modes of transportation appear to be most common in this neighborhood (e.g., cars, public transit, biking, walking)? How might the level of mobility in this neighborhood affect people's social, economic, or educational opportunities?
Employment Opportunities:
What types of jobs are available in or near the neighborhood? Are there signs of economic activity (e.g., job centers, local businesses)?
Housing and infrastructure:
-What types of housing are present (e.g., single-family homes, apartments, public housing)? What do these housing types reveal about the income level or economic diversity of the area?
-How does the presence (or absence) of amenities like sidewalks, streetlights, or green spaces influence your understanding of inequality here?
-Are there signs of gentrification, such as new construction, renovated buildings, or new businesses that may cater to a wealthier demographic?
Census Neighborhood Data:
The Opportunity Atlas
Introduction to Ethnography:
A Simple Introduction to the Practice of Ethnography and Guide to Ethnographic Fieldnotes