How about the fundamental values of social work

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Reference no: EM132206847

The book, The New Structural Social Work, by Mullaly, refers to the conventional and progressive social work perspectives. Share where your own perspective aligned prior to beginning social work school. Has your perspective changed all in just the first two weeks of social work school, and if so, how so?

How about the fundamental values of social work referenced in the book, as well as in the NASW Code of Ethics - do your own personal/professional values align? How so or why not?

What do you think about the Code of Ethics for Progressive Social Workers outlined in the book? How does it compare to the NASW Code of Ethics? Does it resonate with you, and why or why not? More or less than the NASW Code of Ethics, or just differently, and why or how so?

The book refers to the ideal social welfare system as being "structural model ( or social welfare state)" - a model that is even more progressive than both the residual model (positive state) and even the institutional model (social security state), both of which we discussed in class. Do you agree or disagree that this would be the ideal social welfare system, and why?

You may have noticed that the book is written by a Canadian author, and you may already be aware that Canada is already closer to a structural model than we are here in the United States. Do you think America could achieve a structural model of social welfare one day, and why or why not?

Reference no: EM132206847

Questions Cloud

Define security requirement to align with wicked environment : In approximately 300 words, answer the question below. Follow APA guidelines. Describe a situation when it might be ideal to define security requirements.
What is something you learned from chapter about federalism : In a few sentences, tell me: what is something you learned from chapter 2 about federalism that affects you personally?
Describe the specific aspects of your own city proposal : A visual element which describes the specific aspects of your own city proposal. Select the visual format which best suits your project.
What issues do the democratic and republican parties : In what ways have they lost ground or experienced recent "trespassing" of these issues?
How about the fundamental values of social work : How about the fundamental values of social work referenced in the book, as well as in the NASW Code of Ethics.
What were the issues in the constitutional convention : The Founding Fathers had a great deal in common with each other, including property interests, education, and extensive political experience.
How does the artwork fit into history : Historical Context: How does the artwork fit into history? What movement(s), religion(s), political cause(s) or other ideas does it relate to?
Identify the elements that place work in given time period : Research background information on the composer and chosen work. Why was this piece composed? Was the work meant to tell a story?
The bill of rights is the first ten amendments : Review the Bill of Rights in your textbook and select one of the first ten amendments to research more thoroughly.


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