Reference no: EM133141112
Assume you are looking at the website of a union you've never heard of and you see the following explanation of how a workplace becomes organized in Ontario.
Carefully review the information and then, based on your knowledge of the OLRA, identify 5 ways in which the information is legally incorrect and explain in what way it is wrong.
How a Workplace Becomes Organized.
Step 1: Contact us, the ABC Union
Call or email the ABC Union or one of our Local Unions. Ask to speak with an organizer. They are specialists in labour law, will answer your questions, and help you start a successful organizing campaign. All contacts with ABC Union are strictly confidential and there is no obligation to join. Step 2: Sign ABC Union Membership Cards
With the guidance of an organizer, you and your co-workers sign ABC Union membership cards. This is usually best done at work where there is easy access to your co-workers. The employer only sees these cards if the organizing drive is successful. When enough union cards are signed (at least 45% of eligible employees must sign), the union will apply for a secret ballot certification vote. If at least 50% of the bargaining unit members vote in favour of certification, the union will be certified as the bargaining agent for all of the workers in your workplace.