Reference no: EM131013547
Nursing makes use of theories from other disciplines (a.k.a., borrowed theories). How does using borrowed theory support the development of nursing theory?
This week, the focus is on borrowed theories from other interdisciplinary healthcare disciplines used in the nursing profession to enhance knowledge and understanding of practice. Professional nursing often has used theories from other disciplines, such as Erickson's Stages of Development, borrowed from psychology. The usefulness of borrowed theories in advanced nursing should be explored.
The first threaded discussion is as follows:
Nursing makes use of theories from other disciplines (a.k.a., borrowed theories). How does using borrowed theory support the development of nursing theory?
The Course Objective and Weekly Objectives for this week include:
CO #1 - Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO#1)
Weekly Objectives
Examine the scope of borrowed theories and their application to the nursing profession.
Distinguish between the categories commonly used to organize nursing theories.
Examine how a theory fits into the category of theories of nursing.
As you answer the thread, keep in mind the debate concerning the pros and cons of using borrowed theories in nursing practice, research and education. I look forward to our discussion this week.
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