How a social worker well-trained in ntu would respond to you

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Reference no: EM133765346

Problem: Script for NTU Psychotherapy- Building Bridges to Unity

I. Write a script of a dialogue between social worker and client applying the principles, methods, and stages of NTU psychotherapy. Begin with a description of the client's presenting problems, cultural background, family situation, socioeconomic situation, and any other salient factors. Imagine that this is the second meeting, after goals have been established. Given that the phases of NTU psychotherapy can all occur in a single session, have the social worker and client move through them all, knowing that further work will likely need to be completed. Complete your assignment by summarizing the client's progress, anticipating what further therapeutic tasks remain, and identifying outstanding issues that may need to be addressed at family, community, and/or organizational levels.

II. You have several options for choosing your imagined client. You may put yourself in the client's position and imagine how a social worker well-trained in NTU would respond to you. You may choose someone well known to you but disguise their identity. You may create a character using your imagination. Or you may choose a public figure, either historical or living.

Reference no: EM133765346

Questions Cloud

How your findings relate to your hypothesis : Your findings, including how your findings relate to your hypothesis How your findings compare and contrast to previous research
Discuss historical cultural economic and political factors : Pick two racialized groups. Discuss the historical, cultural, economic, and/or political factors that influence their racialization.
Present your annotated bibliography : Present your annotated bibliography as well as at least two criteria that you used to evaluate each of your sources.
Rapid increase in heart rate and core body temperature : An otherwise healthy surgical client has developed sharply increased muscle tone and rapid increase in heart rate and core body temperature.
How a social worker well-trained in ntu would respond to you : You may put yourself in the client's position and imagine how a social worker well-trained in NTU would respond to you.
How does the issue affect your facility-patients-providers : How does this issue affect your facility/patients/providers? What change will organization need to implement to adapt and move forward if the ruling is enacted?
Adult client was successfully treated for shingles : An older adult client was successfully treated for shingles but continues to experience pain to his trunk and torso.
What does technology and the art of caring mean to you : Technology and the art of caring are the focus of the content. What does technology and the art of caring mean to you?
Evidence of systemic effects or anaphylaxis : A child has been stung by a wasp and is in distress due to pain. The nurse's initial assessment reveals no evidence of systemic effects or anaphylaxis,


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