How a research study advances the scientific knowledge base

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Reference no: EM131895312

Question: In your paper, address the following:

- Evaluate how a research study advances the scientific knowledge base of an identified field of study.

- Evaluate how a specific research study contributes to research theory and the field of study.

- Evaluate how the scientific methods of inquiry are applied to a specific research study.

- Evaluate the validity and reliability of a selected research study.

- Assess strategies for addressing ethical concerns in the design of a research study.

- Apply the terminology of research.

- Demonstrate both the depth and the breadth of your understanding of scientific research and scientific merit by including relevant examples and supporting evidence.

Requirements: The paper should be 10 to 12 pages long, not counting references, block quotes, or title page. Neither an abstract nor table of content is required, and would not count in the paper length.

Minimum of seven scholarly resources. It is expected that one of these resources will be the study you selected for the Unit 2 assignment, and another will be the required textbook for the course, by Leedy and Ormrod.

Use APA style and formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets.

Article: Sex-Related Online Behaviors, Perceived Peer Norms and Adolescents' Experience with Sexual Behavior: Testing an Integrative Model (By Suzan M. Doornwaard, Tom F. M. ter Bogt, Ellen Reitz, Regina J. J. M. van den Eijnden)

Reference no: EM131895312

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