How a particular memory technique can be incorporated

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Reference no: EM132315283

Question: The "effective-learning" assignment will test your ability to think, generate hypotheses, and, in general, apply psychological science. The task will be to read a paper referenced in the "A guide to Effective Studying and Learning" by Matthew G. Rhodes, Anne M. Cleary, & Edward L. DeLosh. Then you will write a brief (about 400 words) summary of the paper. In this summary, outline what the hypotheses were, what the methodology was, what the results were, and what are the implications of these results. You will then write an additional analysis (about 200 words) about how one could take the results of that study and use it to improve the efficiency of their own learning. In this second section, consider what the data show and how learners can apply those results to make themselves better learners. Think about this last section as a "letter to grandma" in which you explain how a particular memory/learning technique can be incorporated into your own learning. This section should be in simple language that anyone can understand.

Requirements: 1. The paper you review must be from the Reference section of Rhodes et al (2019). If your chosen paper is not from Rhodes et al (2019), your project will not be read or graded.

2. Do not use any quotes from the paper. Quoting will result in a lower grade.

3. Do not paraphrase - use your own writing. Any plagiarism will result in a project not being read or graded.

4. If you do not know what the word "plagiarism" means, read below and make sure you understand.

5. A full reference to the paper used must be included.

6. The project must be between 500 and 700 words. Projects shorter and longer will not be read or graded. You must craft your arguments to fit into the word limit. The word limit refers to the body of your project and does not include a title page (not required), references, and any supplementary material you add (not required).

7. APA style is encouraged but not required.

8. You may email me questions on how best to do this project

Article: Why do delayed summaries improve metacomprehension accuracy? (By Mary C.M. Anderson, Keith W. Thiede)

Reference no: EM132315283

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