How a manufacturing company of your choice uses jit

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697911

"Just-in-Time (JIT)" Please respond to the following:

Develop three (3) examples that illustrate how a manufacturing company or a service company of your choice uses JIT, and then determine three to four (3-4) benefits of JIT for that particular organization.

Discuss how the JIT concept differs between manufacturing and service companies. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

Reference no: EM131697911

Questions Cloud

Who should be included in the decision-making and why : In 250 words, plus references, describe how the mix of different fundraising processes should be determined.
Prepare a statement of cash flows for meenan company : Depreciation expense of $9,000 is in the operating expenses. Prepare a statement of cash flows for Meenan Company using the indirect method
Probability that the average weight : What is the probability that the average weight x for a random sample of 60 does is less than 56 kg (assuming a healthy population)?
Calculate the cash flows from operations : Calculate the cash flows from operations using the indirect method. Prepare a statement of cash flows.
How a manufacturing company of your choice uses jit : Develop three (3) examples that illustrate how a manufacturing company or a service company of your choice uses JIT.
Compute a between-subjects : Body Image Compute a between-subjects (independent means) t-test examine sex differences in variables from Monica's thesis data.
Identify a strategy for a business concept : Determine if it would make more sense to open the new business you describe or to purchase the existing business you selected.
Review case of the direct method for booth manufacturing : Other information includes: Equipment with a book value of $125,000 was sold for $175,000 (original cost was $225,000).
What are the independent and dependent variables : You are interested in comparing the level of stress among graduate students in a psychology program to the stress among graduate students in a business program.


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