How a lesson plan integrates ells cultural values

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Reference no: EM133471079

Discussion Post: ELLs Cultural Values/Beliefs in a Lesson Plan

Write 250 to 350 words reflection explaining how a lesson plan integrates ELLs' cultural values and beliefs in the context of teaching and learning can be effective. Include a description of how lesson planning and focus would be different, if you were to develop a targeted ELD lesson, instead of an integrated lesson.

Reference no: EM133471079

Questions Cloud

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What practices would you like to research further : What practices would you like to research further? Why? In what areas or topics would you like to receive Professional Development
How does definition of art allow for this kind of change : How does art evolve in its design and purpose to keep pace with social change? How does your definition of art allow for this kind of change?
How a lesson plan integrates ells cultural values : Write a reflection explaining how a lesson plan integrates ELLs' cultural values and beliefs in the context of teaching and learning can be effective.
What resources you used to assist you with being successful : what resources you used to assist you with being successful? As you begin to read the course materials, how would you define the term history?
What was the 19th century cult of domesticity : What was the idea of the "White Man's Burden" in colonial ideology? What was the 19th century Cult of Domesticity?
What resources and support are you aware of at college : What resources and support are you aware of at College, which could assist you with your academic success?
Why you believe teaching philosophies important to educating : Common teaching philosophy- There are several types of teaching philosophies give an example and why you believe it's important to educating.


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