How a business or organization benefit from using consultant

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133482422

Discussion Post: International Business Professional Discipline

Read chapter 1 and chapter 2 from this textbook Title: FT. Newton by RICHARD. NEWTON. Publisher: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Publication Date: 2019-07-25. ISBN: 9781292282237.


The initial post is due on or before Thursday, each week and replies to your classmates are due by Sundays. Provide an authentic reply to each of the following questions for the Week 1 discussion post. If you have not yet received your textbook, you should still be able to successfully reflect and reply to the questions below.

Question I. How can a business or organization benefit from using a consultant?

Question II. Have you or your organization used consultants in the past? If so, give a brief description of how the consultant interacted within your organization. If not, why do you feel they have not used a consultant service in the past?

Question III. Do you have an interest in becoming a consultant in the future? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133482422

Questions Cloud

What is the difference between co-pay and coinsurance : What is the difference between co-pay and coinsurance? How will knowing these differences help you with billing and coding functions?
Determine the most suitable hcpcs and cpt codes : Identify relevant codes: Determine the most suitable HCPCS and CPT codes that align with the functionalities and purpose of the medical monitoring device.
Perform a lab experiment including installation : Perform a lab experiment including installation, configuration and utilization using the tool that you recommended as a result of steps
Importance of physical activity in promoting good health : Explain the importance of physical activity in promoting good health Explain the potential influence of adverse childhood experiences on future health.
How a business or organization benefit from using consultant : How can a business or organization benefit from using a consultant? Do you have an interest in becoming a consultant in the future? Why or why not?
Develop an algorithm to solve a real-life problem : Develop an algorithm to solve a real-life problem of your choice (e.g., routing for delivery trucks, scheduling for a school or business, etc.)
What are the costs and benefits of a paging system : What are the advantages and disadvantages of being able to swap a whole process in and out of memory and Why is the fixed partition allocation inefficient
What ways managed care actually manages costs : In what ways managed care actually manages costs and analyze if it does so without diminishing the quality of care. If so, how does it accomplish this?
Compare the us with your selected country : Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country. If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways. If different, discuss differences.


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