Reference no: EM132831918
HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research - Southern Cross University
Research Proposal Assessment
This assessment is the first part of your research project. Your research project should investigate a topic related to the hospitality industry that is an area of interest to you. Sample research ideas will be provided to you by your tutor. Your research topic must be approved by your tutor by Week 3.
In this assessment, you will be required to identify a research project that you will continue with for Assessments 2, 3 and 4.
Your research project can be conducted using primary data collection or desktop (secondary) research.
Important note: If you identify a problem that requires collaboration with an industry partner and/or collection of primary data you MUST seek written approval from your Lecturer before proceeding. A zero grade will be awarded for any submission using primary data collection without appropriate ethics clearance
The proposal will include:
• Title of your research
• Introduction - overview of the topic and the significance of the proposed research.
• Overview of the Industry Partner; or background to your desktop (secondary) research area
• Problem statement
• Aim of research - including evidence of how data will be collected
• Research question/s
• Annotated bibliography of 3 key journal articles that support your research and/or background to the research problem.
Attachment:- Research Proposal Guidelines.rar
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HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research Assignment
: HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research Assignment Help and Solution, Southern Cross University - Assessment Writing Service
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