HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132584957

HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research

This assessment requires you to define a research question and research area for your proposed research. This first assessment will provide the foundation for your project and the following assessments in this unit.

Task: This assessment is the first part of a three-part research project. Your research project should investigate a topic related to the hospitality industry that is an area of interest to you. Sample research ideas will be provided to you by your tutor. Your research topic must be approved by your tutor by Week 3.

In this assessment, you will be required to identify a research project that you will continue with for Assessments 2 and 3.

Your research project can be conducted using primary data collection or desktop (secondary) research. You may choose to work with an industry partner or research a problem that exists in the hospitality industry.

The proposal will include:
• Title of your research
• Introduction - overview of the topic and the significance of the proposed research.
• Overview of the Industry Partner; or background to your desktop (secondary) research area
• Problem statement
• Aim of research
• Research question/s
• Annotated bibliography of 3 key journal articles that support your research and/or background to the research problem.

Reference no: EM132584957

Questions Cloud

How much did the compensating balances inflate : How much did the compensating balances inflate the percentage interest costs? (Use 365 days in a year. Do not round intermediate calculations.)
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What is the present value of inheritance : Your investments earn 6% per year, compounded annually. To the nearest hundred dollars, what is the present value of your inheritance?
Most appropriate types of quality systems : Compare and contrast 3 of what you consider to be the most appropriate types of quality systems for the project that you will use in your Key Assignment.
HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research Assignment : HOTL6005 Applied Hotel Research Assignment Help and Solution - define a research question and research area for your proposed research
What martin should report for ending inventory : Show what Martin should report for ending inventory and for cost of goods sold. Identify the financial statement where each item appears.
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Compute wilson copy center income tax expense : Wilson Copy Center is a corporation subject to a 25?% income tax. Compute Wilson Copy Center's income tax expense under the? average costing
How will you apply the learning experience in real life : The reflection paper will consist of minimum 300 words, doubled space, APA style (no references). As you write your paper reflect on the following topics.



7/27/2020 11:56:24 PM

Hi Team firstly, This is double unit, its like applied hotel research we need to select one idea in hospitality industry and i have selected one proposal idea "Failing in retainment of good staff" for example Mgt. Doesnt listen to individual Business restriction are too confining No career development and engagement Failure to spot confilct Poor communication of the vison Poor communication of the vison Ineffective leadership These are the literatre view topic which can find out the root cause that why employees are leaving your company. above are the which i found when i researched about these topic and i selected these topic note : please give to the best expert team because its double unit as i mentioned earlier and the whole unit depends upon that team

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