Hotel management system database project

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Reference no: EM13996954

Hotel Management System Database Project

A hotel is a hive of numerous operations such as front office, booking and reservation, banquet, finance, HR, inventory, material management, quality management, security, energy management, housekeeping, CRM and more. Hotel has a number of rooms and these rooms are of different categories. On the basis of room category, each room has different price. Hotel has a number of employees to manage the services provided to customers. Customer can book the room either online or by cash payment at the hotel. Customer record is stored in hotel database which contains customer identity, his address, check in time, check out time etc. hotel provide food and beverages to their customers and generate the bill for this at the time of their check out.

You need to implement such scenario in a database, create a schema for it, a E-R diagram for it and try to normalize it.

Reference no: EM13996954

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