Hormones play crucial roles in normal growth and development

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132330555

Answer the 2 questions below. (100-200 words)

1. Hormones play crucial roles in normal growth and development and the regulation of physiologic function. Give specific examples of why more is not necessarily better for these chemicals.

2. List two supplements at your local health food store that claim to enhance exercise performance. Which supplements purport to stimulate hormone release? Based on hormonal regulation and function, explain whether these products can deliver on their claims.

Respond to the 8 post below. (100-200 words)

1. Delania

Hormones act as silent messengers to integrate the body as a unit, by hormone cells communicating with each other by sending messages throughout the body (Chrousos, 2007). Hormones communicate messages to different systems of the body in order to efficiently help the body runs collectively. Hormones act as a chemical messenger that allows local, regional, and distant cellular communication throughout the body (Chrousos, 2007). Homeostasis has a major part in helping send chemical messages throughout the body's system (Chrousos, 2007). Endocrine axes expand to every organ and cell in the body that produced and responded to hormones (Chrousos, 2007).

2. Ebonee

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body coordinating complex processes. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple things like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, and even the emotions and mood. Hormones are one of the reasons why certain things are the way they are like why your arms are the same length, why you can turn food into fuel, and why you changed from head to toe at puberty (Dunn, 2014). So in reference to the phrase "hormones act as silent messengers to integrate the body as a unit" I would say it is means that because of these chemicals distant parts of the body are able to communicate with one another during all events whether simple or complex.

3. deryn

Hormones are produced by endocrine glands which have no ducts and secrete the hormones directly into extracellular spaces surrounding the gland. They integrate the body as a unit because they affect all aspects of a functioning human body, including enzyme activation, changing the permeability of cell membranes, causing muscular contraction and relaxation, deciding how the body responds to stress and more. Hormones also diffuse right into the blood so that they can be carried throughout the body, bind with specific tissue receptors and carry out their functions for communication between cells.

4. Josh young

During a forehand stroke, the shoulder is abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed so that it is close to your body, and wrist extended. As the swing progresses, the shoulder is passively externally rotated due to the rotation that comes from the hips and core and the elbow and wrist stay in the same position. At the point of contact with the ball, the elbow should be fully extended and the wrist should still be in an extended position. During the follow through, the shoulder is horizontally adducted and internally rotated, the elbow is flexed to 90 degrees, and the wrist returns to a neutral position. For the backhand, the shoulder is adducted across the midline of the body, the elbow is extended, and the wrist is neutral. The swing phase consists of the shoulder being flexed and horizontally abducted simultaneously, the elbow flexing to past 90 degrees, and the wrist extending.

5. Scott Walker

The activity that I selected is the push-up. It is one of the four parts of the USAF PT Test, and I have been doing pushups since I was a young boy-I played tackle football and we would use this exercise. There are three primary muscles groups in the upper extremity that are used as the agonist muscles during a push-up. "When it comes to doing pushups, your chest, shoulders and triceps muscles do the work of making the motion happen. Because the three muscles already described - your chest muscles, your anterior deltoids and your triceps - work to generate the movement of a pushup, they're known as the agonist muscles for that exercise" (Maloney, 2019).

6. Lauren hagg

During a forehand tennis swing the shoulder, elbow, and wrist pass through a series of movements. Most sports related movements involve three phases of movement, preparatory, movement, and follow-through. During the preparatory phase the shoulder will externally rotate and diagonally abduct, the elbow will extend, and the wrist will slightly extend. During the movement phase the shoulder will internally rotate and diagonally adduct, the elbow will flex, and the wrist will slightly flex. During the follow-through phase the shoulder will continue to internally rotate and diagonally adduct, the elbow will continue to flex, and the wrist will flex and pronate at the radioulnar joint. During a backhand tennis swing the shoulder elbow, and wrist will also pass through a series of movements. During the preparatory phase the shoulder will internally rotate and diagonally adduct, the elbow will extend, and the wrist will slightly flex. During the movement phase the shoulder will externally rotate and diagonally abduct, the elbow will continue to extend, and the wrist will extend. During the follow-through phase the shoulder will continue to externally rotate and diagonally abduct, the elbow will continue to extend, and the wrist will extend and supinate.

7. Kendra C

The activity I chose would be a push up. The primary muscle (agonist) for the push-up is the pectoralis major (or pecs). As you lower yourself toward the floor, your pecs lengthen and control the speed of your descent. As you push back up again, they shorten. The main antagonist muscles during a push-up are your trapezius, posterior deltoids and rhomboids. These muscles are on the opposite side of the torso in relation to your pecs. The helper muscles (synergists) used during a push-up are important because they assist the agonist. The main synergists in the push-up are your triceps and anterior deltoids (or front shoulder muscles). They assist with elbow extension and shoulder flexion, respectively. Stabilizers help hold your body in a certain position, so the agonists and synergists have a stable base from which to work. Small muscles in your shoulder, called your rotator cuff, keep the head of your humerus firmly located within your shoulder socket while your rectus abdominus, or abs, hold your spine straight. Other stabilizing muscles include your latissimus dorsi (on the side of your upper back) which assists in shoulder stability and your quadriceps (or thigh muscles) which work to keep your legs straight (Enge, 2015).

8. Kaitlyn

A familiar activity for all would be a bench press. Bench press goes through two phases: eccentric and concentric phase. During the eccentric phase the shoulder is going into horizontal shoulder abduction and elbow flexion while in the concentric phase the shoulder is going through horizontal shoulder adduction with the elbow going into extension. The targeted muscles groups during a bench press include pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps brachii, coracobrachialis, abdominals, biceps brachii, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor. However, the agonist used during this activity is the pectoralis major which is the large chest muscle. Typically, the pectoralis muscles enter the stretch flex before the eccentric phase. Stretch reflex is a process in which lengthening of the muscle occurs then it rapidly changes to shortening of a muscle, creating a release of stored energy (Biomechanics of the Bench Press).

Reference no: EM132330555

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