Homeland security strategic plan lacks definitive schedule

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Reference no: EM133532334


Three things that could be improved: The Department of Homeland Security's strategic plan lacks a definitive schedule for the implementation of the said measures and does not address any probable financial constraints that may emerge. The potential consequence of this scenario is a hindrance in the prompt execution of said security measures. The plan lacks a discussion on the department's approach to mitigating potential civil liberties concerns that may emerge as a result of the implementation of security measures. Which could potentially result in a lack of confidence from the general public in the department and its security procedures. The plan lacks a discussion on the department's strategies for ensuring the long-term effectiveness and maintenance of the implemented security measures. In the absence of periodic evaluations and upkeep, security protocols may become obsolete or ineffectual. as it pertains to the DHS Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2020-2024 would these statements be true or false provide reasons for your answer.

Reference no: EM133532334

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