Home is provided even greater protection

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Reference no: EM133354328


Did you know that the home is provided even greater protection under the 4th amendment than any other place? Justices often like to use the quote that a man's home is his castle. In one influential 4th amendment case, the Supreme Court went as far to say that a thermal imaging device that showed the movements of people in their home was a warrantless search. The court held that "[t]he [thermal imaging device] might disclose, for example, at what hour each night the lady of the house takes her daily sauna and bath-a detail that many would consider "intimate"." Kyllo v. United States 553 U.S. 27 (2001).

Reference no: EM133354328

Questions Cloud

Juvenile justice court judge : Imagine that you are a juvenile justice court judge and you had some leeway in charging a youth with a status offense or regular criminal charges.
Contribute to inefficiencies within federal bureaucracy : What factors might contribute to inefficiencies within the federal bureaucracy?
Professional identity inquiry : In this third unit, you will review two more sources that may help you answer the key question of the "Professional Identity Inquiry" essay
State judicial systems contribute to social problems : How does the policymaking of the federal and state judicial systems contribute to social problems?
Home is provided even greater protection : Did you know that the home is provided even greater protection under the 4th amendment than any other place?
Describe the market for rental housing : (this draws on opportunity cost and markets) Describe the market for rental housing, as it would be in a free market without government intervention.
Progressive web apps and responsive web design : Given what you've learned this week regarding Progressive Web Apps (PWA), and Responsive Web Design,
Introduce the cardiovascular and respiratory systems : In this module, you were introduced to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Use what you learned about this topic to participate in the discussion.
How does mwp depending on whether person is risk averse : How does the MWP by an individual vary depending on whether the person is risk averse, risk loving, or risk neutral?


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