Home environment of children from lower- or working-class

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Reference no: EM133376450

Question: To understand the causes of low school achievement, it is important to consider the home environment of children from lower- or working-class families because:

a) their parents often mimic many of the behaviors teachers use, thus reinforcing messages at home that children receive at school. - I believe this is a false statement. Parents from lower- or working-class families do not mimic behaviors teachers use.

b) although it may be difficult to remedy learning deficits, schools must strive to develop programs that can counter the effects of environmental disadvantages. I believe this the best option and correct answer. Ornstein et al. 2017, (13e) p. 325 states "although we can counteract learning deficits that arise from disadvantaged early environments, it is , as this implies, more difficult to produce changes for older children; we need a more powerful environment to bring about these changes. It further implies, that, as a society, we should use more of our resources to address early environmental problems and disadvantages."

c) children from the middle and upper classes spend much more time away from home than do children from working-class homes. - I believe this statement is false because children of working-class families typically have more time away from home and less time under parental or guardian supervision.

d) parents from working-class families too often feed children misinformation and inaccurate knowledge when trying to help their children with schoolwork. - I believe this is a false statement. I don't recall any indication of this from the reading. Also, most working-class parents demonstrate less interest in assisting their children with their homework.

Which option is the best to answer the question prompt?

Reference no: EM133376450

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