Holocaust and dropping of the atomic bomb

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133156450

Chapter 13 and Chapter 14

Leading up to WWII, Japan, Italy and Germany participated in particularly aggressive acts. How did these decisions create the conditions for the upcoming global war?

Other than the Holocaust and the dropping of the atomic bomb, what was the most important event of World War II, in your opinion? Why did you choose this one? Be sure to support your opinion with historical facts,

Both during World War II and its aftermath. As we have seen many times by now, history is a road of related events that lead us continuously onward, toward the next situation. In your opinion, was there anything that could have been done or handled differently to prevent the outbreak of the Cold War? If so, what, and how could it have been changed?

Life during the Cold War varied depending on the country in which an individual lived. Choose one Communist and one non-Communist nation and discuss the daily life of their citizens. How did people cope with the tense political situation on a day-to-day basis?

Reference no: EM133156450

Questions Cloud

Zionism in european jewish communities : What was the Dreyfus Affair and how was it related to the spread of anti-semitism and the emergence of Zionism in European Jewish communities?
How do you define imperialism : How do you define imperialism? Is imperialism always colonialism? What is colonialism? Why colonialism?
Personal responsibility : Describe connections you have made between your prior knowledge and what you have learned in this course.
Sustainable development goals : On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Holocaust and dropping of the atomic bomb : Other than the Holocaust and the dropping of the atomic bomb, what was the most important event of World War II, in your opinion?
About their fellow soldiers and their enemy : What did these soldiers think about their fellow soldiers and their enemy?
Affected by regime ideologies : How would your value as a person be affected by the regime's ideologies? Lastly, how would your ability to participate in politics be changed under the regime?
Second world war a global war : What make the Second World War a global war? Where were the main consequences of the war felt most keenly outside of Europe?
Revolutionaries in france : Explain how his ideas influenced the revolutionaries in France in the late 1700s.


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