Reference no: EM132752184
HLTWHS001 - Participate in Workplace Health and Safety Assignment - Compliant Learning Resources, Australia
TITLE - Children's Health and Safety
Part A -
1. You are required to demonstrate how to access the following in relevance to ensuring the health and safety of children in the workplace:
- the National Quality Framework
- the National Quality Standards
- the relevant approved learning framework
a. Under the NQS there are a number of standards that are relevant to the safety of children in an Early Childhood Education and Care service. What are the 2 main Standards that support this?
b. How is the health and safety of children related to the EYLF?
c. What practice does the Guide to the EYLF recommend that educators use to raise and debate issues relating to curriculum quality, equity and children's wellbeing?
d. Review the practice section outlined in the Framework for School Age Care in Australia (FSAC).
This section outlines that "nutrition and safety" are seen as important for educators to consider in relation to ___________. (fill in the gap)
Which practice does this fall under?
e. In the FSAC, it states that educators can facilitate "Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing" by engaging children in what activities that relate to safety?
f. Which two National Regulations does the following statement relate to?
"minimise risks to children, an education and care service or a family day care educator must implement:
- adequate health and hygiene practices
- safe practices for handling, preparing and storing food."
g. Which National Regulation does the below statement relate to?
"While attending an approved service, children must have access to safe drinking water at all times, and have food and drinks available throughout the day".
2. In your role as an Early Childhood Education and Care worker, you will need to check toys and equipment for potential risk and hazards that may cause harm to children.
a) Explain in detail the steps involved in conducting a risk analysis on toys and what you would be checking for at each step.
b) Explain what steps you would take if you identified a toy or piece of equipment that presented a WHS hazard with an extreme risk.
c) Which policy, procedure would you refer to for advice on WHS issues?
3. In your role as an Early Childhood Education and Care worker, you will need to implement effective hygiene and health practices in many aspects of practice.
a) Fill out the table below and explain the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment and the risk associated with each of the following areas:
i. The centre (overall)
ii. Kitchen
iii. Outdoor Environment
iv. Indoor Environment
v. Toilets
b) Identify which sections in the following frameworks provide information and/or guidance on WHS and/or hazards and risks.
i. Education and Care Services National Regulations
ii. National Quality Standards (NQS)
iii. Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
iv. Framework for School Aged Care in Australia (FSAC)
4. Complete the table below explaining the cleaning procedures for each, and provide one reason for the importance of the cleaning procedure.
Toilets, potties and bathroom area
5. List two (2) personal hygiene policies or procedures that you must follow to limit cross-contamination when preparing food, and explain why they are important in relation to Work Health and Safety.
6. As a child care worker, you will need to help provide suitable rest and sleep environments for children. For each of the following points, describe why these are important and what you would check to ensure the rest environment is set up appropriately:
i. Ventilation
ii. Lighting
iii. Heating/cooling
iv. Hygiene
v. Safety
7. As an Early Childhood Education and Care worker, you are required to ensure that sleep and rest opportunities are provided for, and that there are appropriate opportunities to meet each child's need for sleep, rest, and relaxation.
a) Which standards in the NQS relate to sleep and rest?
b) What section of the National Regulation covers sleep and rest?
c) Outline the Six ways to promote safe sleep for babies and reduce the risk of sudden Death Syndrome (SIDS).
8. Suppose you are an assistant educator at Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre. Write a short email below, sharing information about a child's rest and sleep. Address the email to Mrs. Anna Parkinson, the mother of George, a four-year-old student attending your class.
George is a new student who has been attending the centre for two weeks. His mother would like a general update about your observations regarding her son's daily routines, including sleep and rest.
9. It is a requirement that centres must provide appropriate quiet play activities for children who do not want to sleep or rest. Describe five (5) alternative activities.
10. In an Early Childhood Education and Care setting, you must respect children's needs for privacy during any toileting and dressing and undressing times. Describe three (3) ways in which you would maintain this.
11. You are required to ensure children's and families' individual clothing needs and preferences are met, to promote children's comfort, safety and protection within the scope of the service requirements for children's health and safety.
a) List three (3) examples of instances where you would inform parents of clothing that the centre considers to be inappropriate or unsuitable for children to wear while attending the centre?
b) List two (2) examples of ways in which staff can ensure that children are dressed appropriately for Indoor/Outdoor Environmental conditions and temperatures.
12. When children are playing or travelling outdoors you must ensure they are safe at all times.
a) Describe the sun protection/safety procedures that are in place at your centre and explain what makes it sun safe for children.
b) How would you explain sun safety to children using the most recent sun safe promotional campaign resources?
13. As a child care worker, you will be required to set up a variety of play environments for children.
a) List five (5) checks you should perform when setting up a play environment.
b) Describe the considerations when choosing equipment that is suitable for the age group of children you're working with.
14. Children must be supervised by ensuring that they are in sight or hearing distance at all times.
a) What are the ratios for supervising children in an Early Education and Care setting across all age groups?
b) What process would you follow if you found that you have children with additional needs in your care (i.e. skills, age mix, dynamics, and size of the group of children), and as a result, the level of risk involved in activities was high?
c) List four (4) ways that you can ensure there is adequate supervision at all times.
15. Describe how you can explain hazards in the environment to children.
16. As a childcare worker, it is important to ensure that play environments are clean and safe for children.
a) Briefly explain two strategies you can use to communicate the rules for safe play to the children in the group.
b) Give an example of how you implement the rules for safe play.
17. As a child care worker, you will sometimes have to deal with children who are unwell.
a) Who is the first person you should inform if you suspect a child is sick?
b) Identify the documentation that needs to be completed when a child in your care has been unwell.
c) What policies/procedures relate to who can see this documentation?
d) Does the parent need to sign the form?
18. You are required to consistently implement the service policies for the exclusion of ill children.
a) Name five (5) infectious diseases that would cause the centre to exclude an ill child.
b) List three (3) precautions you should take if you suspect the child is infectious.
19. As a child care worker, you will often have to deal with children who have allergies/anaphylaxis or asthma.
a) Write a brief description of what anaphylaxis.
b) Write a brief description of what asthma is and describe the associated signs and symptoms.
c) Identify three (3) other common allergens that may affect children in a centre.
d) Describe what should happen when enrolling a child in a centre, who has anaphylaxis/asthma or other allergies.
e) List five (5) signs and symptoms that indicate a child is having an anaphylactic reaction.
f) Describe how you would use an adrenalin auto injector for anaphylaxis.
g) What are the triggers for asthma? (Provide three (3) below.)
20. As a child care worker, you will sometimes be required to assist in administering medication to children.
a) List six (6) things you will need to check before you administer medication to a child.
b) How is medication stored safely at the centre?
c) Describe which documentation must be completed when you administer medication.
21. Fill out the table below and explain what action you would take to reduce the risk associated with each of the hazards listed in the table below.
A parent has left a bottle of antibiotics on the teacher's desk
The rubbish bin in a room is overflowing
A colleague is serving food to children with bare hands
A child is playing in the midday sun without a hat or sunscreen
You notice during one of the meal times that a child with a nut allergy has been given a muesli bar that may contain nuts.
You enter a room after lunch and find there is food on the floor
A cleaning product has been left on the shelf in the classroom
The collage trolley in a room is partially blocking a fire exit
During lunchtime, you notice that a child with coeliac disease has been given regular bread in their sandwich, instead of gluten free bread.
22. The National Quality Standard (NQS) Quality Area 2.32 states that "each child is protected" and Element 2.23.1 states that "Children are adequately supervised at all timesAt all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard". It is critical that staff ensure that all children are in sight or hearing distance at all times.
a) Explain how you would follow service procedures for the safe collection of each child, ensuring they are released to authorised people.
b) What must occur if a child is missing or cannot be accounted for?
23. List three (3) ways in which you can safely manage the use, storage and labelling of dangerous products.
24. Understanding your role in fire safety is an important factor in keeping children safe in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Using the table below, explain in your own words the following aspects of basic home fire safety:
Fire spread and speed
Heat transfer
Combustible fuels
Sources of heat
Open flames/sparks
Electrical equipment
Hot surfaces
Smoking materials
Role of fire services
Identify high-risk groups in basic home for safety
Identify behaviour that may contribute to fire injury and fatalities
Why smoke alarm is important
Smoke alarm placement
Part B -
1. Research and access the following legislation, in relevance to promoting and providing healthy food and drinks:
- the National Quality Framework
- the National Quality Standards
- the relevant approved learning framework
a. Under the NQS there are a number of standards that are relevant to promoting and providing healthy food and drinks in an Early Childhood Education and Care service. What are the main Standards and regulations that support this?
b. Where can you access the "Get up and Grow" resources for promoting and providing healthy food and drinks
c. Where can you access the "AustralianDietary Guidelines"
2. Describe two (2) different activities you can do with children to help them learn about healthy eating.
3. Describe how you can ensure children are provided with sufficient healthy food and water in the below situations:
a) Meals are provided for the children by the centre
b) Families provide food for the children
4. As a childcare worker, it is important to act as a role model in implementing healthy eating and nutrition practices during meal times.
a) Explain why it is important to interact with children during mealtimes.
b) Describe four (4) ways you can ensure that furniture and utensils are suitable to encourage children to be positively involved in, and enjoy mealtimes.
5. List three (3) strategies you could use to help educate families about healthy eating.
6. In a child care service, you will need to cater for children's individual dietary needs.
a) Explain how the centre obtains information regarding children's specific dietary needs, food allergies or intolerances and who the information comes from.
b) Once this information has been obtained, describe the process for identifying children who have specific dietary needs, food allergies or intolerances.
c) Explain why it is important that these children be identified.
d) Explain what you would do if there was no policy to identify, manage and monitor children who have special dietary needs.
7. Describe how children's oral health, including signs of tooth decay impacts on their general health and well-being.
8. Answer the following questions:
a) Describe the recommended steps in preparing formula.
b) What are the 'Standards of Infant formula' in Australia?
c) What is the WHO code and how does it affect staff in an Early Childhood Education and Care service?
d) What are the recommended sterilisation methods for preparing infant feeding equipment? Describe the steps for each method.
e) What are the recommended formula requirements for feeding infants?
f) Allergies and food reactions in infants and children are common and may be associated with a variety of foods including adapted cow's milk formula. Parents often consider using special infant formulas for preventing or treating allergic disorders. What types of formula are available in these circumstances and are they effective in reducing allergic reactions?
g) What are the recommendations for minimising the risk of allergy in infants with a family history of allergies?
9. Consider a mother who wants to continue breastfeeding her baby whilst attending your child care service.
a) Suggest 3 ways you can support the mother breastfeeding her baby at your child care service.
b) Explain the benefits of breastfeeding.
c) What are the recommended steps for storing breast milk under the Infant Feeding Guidelines?
d) Complete the table below:
Breast milk status
Storage at room temperature (26°C or lower)
Storage in refrigerator (5°C or lower)
Storage in freezer
Freshly expressed intosterile container
Previously frozen (thawed)
Thawed outside refrigerator
in warm water
Infant has begun feeding
10. List the three (3) key points to consider when introducing solid foods to infants.
11. Describe two (2) ways you, as an assistant educator, can contribute to the healthy eating/nutrition policies and procedures at your child care service.
12. Safe food handling is paramount in Early Childhood education and care services.
a) Describe the clothing/PPE that must be worn when preparing food.
b) List three (3) personal health symptoms that would prevent you from preparing food at a centre.
c) Provide a list of eight (8) procedures you need to follow to ensure you prepare food safely.
d) Explain how you would respond if you saw a colleague not following safe food handling practices.
13. Below are dietary guides of two foods.
Write a paragraph to explain which food is the healthier choice.
Guidance: From the two options, pick the healthier choice in respect to:
i. Saturated Fat Content
ii. Salt Content
iii. Sugar Content
iv. Fibre Content
14. List four (4) procedures that should be in place to protect children from exposure to food allergens.
15. What are the 'Five Guidelines' from the Australian Dietary Guidelines?
16. Label the different sections of the graph below indicating the recommended portions of food groups we should eat each day.
Guidance: This graph was sourced from "The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating"
17. From the table below determine the minimum number of daily serves for each of the selected children.
a) How many daily sample serves of Meat, Fish, and Poultry should be provided to a five year old child?
b) How many daily sample serves of Bread should be provided to a ten year old child?
c) How many daily sample serves of Fruit should a Breastfeeding Women have?
18. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ECA Code of Ethics relate to codes of practice that should be followed when working with children.
a) Outline the section in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that refers to ensuring children's health and safety, in relation to food and water.
b) Outline the section in the ECA Code of Ethics that relates to creating safe and healthy environments for children.
Guidance: Refer to the United Nations Rights of the Child website and the ECA Code of Ethics website.
19. Give an example of each of the points below and describe in your own words why it is important to address the individual dietary needs and preferences of children in respect to:
a) specific cultural requirements
b) religious requirements
c) health requirements
Part C -
1. In the following table, name the relevant legislations, regulations, codes and standards and how they impact on WHS/OHS in the workplace:
a) The act
b) workplace regulations,
c) codes of practice
d) industry standards
e) State/territory WHS authorities
f) Rights and responsibilities of employers and workers
g) duty of care
h) Hazardous manual tasks
i) Infection control
j) Policies and procedures in Early Childhood Education and Care
2. It is important that you can identify hazards in an Early Childhood Education and Care service.
a) What is the definition of a hazard?
b) What is hazard identification?
c) Name five (5) common workplace hazards relevant to Early Childhood Education and Care.
d) Describe two (2) workplace procedures for hazard identification.
e) Give two (2) examples of hazardous manual handling tasks.
3. Answer the following questions about risk.
a) Provide the definition of a risk.
b) Describe the risk involved with one of the hazard examples you provided in question 2c above and how you would manage that risk.
4. It is every educator's responsibility to help ensure the environment is safe for themselves, their colleagues and the children, and visitors attending the centre. Give three (3) examples of how you can fulfil this responsibility.
5. Identify two (2) ways you can stay up-to-date with Workplace Health and Safety information.
6. Review the environment in this picture. Complete the following table to identify 3 of the hazards present in this indoor environment:
7. Complete the following table in relation to three (3) of the hazards present in the outdoor environment pictured:
8. Complete the following table in relation to three (3) of the hazards present in the storage environment pictured:
9. Identify the following safety signage and their meanings:
a) Dangerous goods classifications.
b) Common first aid and safety signage.
10. As a child care worker, you will need to participate in regular emergency and evacuation drills.
a) List two (2) different types of emergencies that may occur at your centre and describe what would need to occur to keep the children safe and secure.
Guidance: If you are not currently working at a child care service, refer to the Emergency Management Plan for Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre.
b) Describe an evacuation procedure at the centre.
c) Provide a brief description of how you could discuss fire evacuations with children.
11. There are a number of Workplace policies and procedures that will relate to WHS. Fill out the table below, identifying the main policy that would be observed in a centre and one (1) practice for each.
Assessment 2 - CASE STUDIES
Case Study One - Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre
Develop a plan relating to safe workplace policies and procedures relevant to the excursion.
Case Study Two - Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre
You are required to:
a) Present your menu in an attractive, easy-to read format and submit it.
b) Choose an item from your menu that contains an ingredient that may trigger a reaction from a child who has coeliac disease. Submit the recipe for that menu item.
c) Alter the recipe for the menu item so that it would be suitable for a child with coeliac disease.
d) Pick one lunch offering and explain how this meets the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Case Study Three - Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre
1. What is the immediate action Trang should take?
2. What is the secondary action Trang should take?
3. Complete the Incident/Accident Report Form located on the Sparkling Stars website and submit it to your assessor.
4. If Isaac's injury had been more severe such as a broken arm or a heavy laceration, what action should Trang take?
Case Study 1: Sleep and Rest
Your task: Ensure sleep and rest practices are consistent with approved standards and meet the children's individual needs by creating a checklist that you can use for the children described above. Use the safe sleep and rest time guidelines provided in the link below as your reference: Sleep and Rest Time Guidelines.
Your Task: Provide three (3) options for appropriate quiet play activities for Tim by creating a plan that outlines the steps you need to take as well as the resources you will require to implement the plan.
Case Study 2: Providing Children Supervision
Your Task: You are required to provide detailed instructions to Jenny, the educator who will be taking the lead while you are away. In your email, you must CC Michelle, the assistant educator you have been working with, so that she can be reminded of these instructions.
You have to make sure that your instructions contain all the essential information needed to ensure the children have adequate supervision at all times. Use the templates provided below to document the instructions you provide Jenny and Michelle.
Case Study 3: Organisational WHS
Your Task: Using your own experience as an early childhood educator in your vocational workplace, answer the questionnaire below to reflect on your own levels of stress and fatigue at work.
Job demands and working conditions:
Do you have enough time to get your job done properly?
Are you exposed to unfavourable physical conditions in your work (for example unfavourable climate, noise, radiation, chemicals, sharp or moving objects, slippery surfaces, constant repetitive work, heavy lifting or strenuous work)
Participation and control:
Can you choose your own work methods, pace, and/or order?
Can you decide yourself when to take a break?
Are you involved in decision making?
Are there regular meetings to discuss work?
Can you improve any unfavourable physical loads in your work?
Interpersonal relationships:
Do you receive support from your supervisor and/or colleagues?
Are you isolated from others during work?
Are you treated differently, for example, because you are your race, gender, ethnic origin or disability?
Do you experience violence from customers, clients, patients or members of the public?
Career development and job security:
Do you have good career prospects?
Are you able to develop your skills and intellect in your job?
Is your job security good?
Is it likely that during the next couple of years you will be in the present job with your current employer?
Working hours:
Do you work long hours?
Do you work evenings, nights, and/or weekends (shift work)?
Do you have irregular working hours?
Role in the company and information:
Do you have conflicting tasks/roles?
Do you receive enough information to do your work properly?
Do you receive feedback on your performance?
Is your income sufficient to support yourself and your family?
Your Task: Review the relevant workplace procedures in the link provided below and follow the outlined reporting process. Use the template below to document your completion of this task.
Your Task: Identify ways to maintain currency of safe work practices by listing your strategies according to the different categories and contexts outlined below:
Your Task: Create a poster to help promote safety awareness among the children in the centre. You may choose any topic or theme relevant to child safety or promoting safety awareness among children. Below are some examples of topics or themes you may use for your poster:
- Stranger danger
- Safety in the kitchen
- Safety in the bathroom
- Safety in the park
- Safety in the beach
- Safety in crossing streets
- Handwashing
Case Study 4: Ensure the health and safety of children
Your Task: Record yourself administering the right medication to Sophie. The demonstration must begin with you discussing Sophie's situation with your co- educator. Assume that you have already separated Sophie from the other children. She may be in the same room while the discussion takes place.
Case Study 5: Anaphylaxis
Task 1: Complete the relevant forms to document the incident. Use the information provided above to help you complete the required form. If certain information was not provided by the scenario, you have the liberty to create details regarding the case. However, ensure that they do not contradict provided information and are realistic to the situation.
Review the centre's Incident, Accident and Trauma Policy to ensure you are compliant with the centre's relevant workplace policies and procedures: Incident, Accident, and Trauma Policy.
Task 2: Apply the risk management plan for Billy by completing the checklist provided in the link below. Complete the column "Detail how this will be implemented and any additional strategies" by answering according to the organisational risk-management strategies from your relevant work experience in childcare centres/vocational work experience.
Supplementary Question: The physician prescribed 6ml of dipenhydramine every hour for six hours. All required authorisation are complete. The child's parent supplied the medication in its original packaging as well as the measuring cup for the medicine. However the bottle only has 30ml left in it. Will you have enough medicine to follow the doctor's prescription?
3.1 Which of the two snack options is most appropriate for Billy?
a. Snack option A
b. Snack option B
3.1.1 Explain your answer:
3.2 Supplementary Questions: dietary requirements
3.2.1 Give an example of a common dietary restriction for children with type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile diabetes):
3.2.2 Give an example of a common dietary restriction for Jewish children:
3.2.3 Give an example of a common dietary restriction for Muslim children:
Case Study 6: Meal Planning
1.1 Your Task: Create a meal plan for Johnny outlining a cycle of menus, detailing the food that will be provided to him for a week. The meal plan should include breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner for five days.
1.2 Your Task: Create a one-page guide for Lucas' mother to assist her with expressing breast milk by hand and it at home to ensure food safety procedures are followed according to the relevant prescribed guidelines.
PART 1: Review and evaluate performance in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for children
If you have prior work experience in a childcare centre, you may complete this task reflecting on your experience. If you do not have prior experience working in a childcare centre, you may complete this task after you have been immersed in your vocational work placement.
You are required to review/reflect and evaluate both your performance and the service's implementation of policies and procedures related to the establishment and maintenance of a safe and healthy environment for children attending the centre.
To document your evaluation, answer the questions below and provide the information being asked.
1. WHS policies and procedures are set in the centre you are having your vocational placement with.
Provide a brief description of the centre's relevant policies and procedures regarding safety assessments.
2. Individual medical management plans for children with specific heath care need are in place and readily available at the service.
Does the service have available individual medical management plan forms for children with a specific health care need?
3. The groupings of children are configured to provide for each child's comfort and to minimise the risk of overcrowding.
Does the service have a specific policy or procedure in organising the groupings of children in the centre to minimise risk of overcrowding, to minimise the risk of illness and/or to minimise the risk of injuries?
4. The service accesses information on current hygiene practices.
Where does the centre get current and up-to-date information on current hygiene practices?
Provide one (1) example of the information the centre has currently researched on current hygiene practice from the sources/resources that you have written in the previous question.
5. Service procedures are followed, in relation to notifying families of illness or injuries that affect children while in education and care.
Interview an educator or your supervisor in the service who has had experience with notifying parents/primary caregiver/family of an illness or injury that affects one of the children while attending education and care at the centre.
Describe the step-by-step procedure the educator/supervisor implemented.
Obtain a copy of the centre's procedure in notifying families of illness or injuries that affect children while in education and care. Did the educator/supervisor follow the centre's procedure? Was there some discrepancy (specify the discrepancy)?
6. Current records of children's immunisation status are up-to-date and a procedure is in place to maintain the currency.
Find out how your vocational work placement keep current records of the status of each child's immunisations.
a) Does the service have a procedure in place to maintain the currency of immunization records? Submit a copy of the procedure and write the filename.
b) Does the service have a process for obtaining information from families about their children's current immunisation status?
7. New or relief educators are informed of supervision arrangements and of what they are required to do in relation to supervising children.
Were you provided with details and responsibilities of supervising children when you started in vocational work placement?
Briefly describe the details and responsibilities provided to you below.
Were you given an induction/welcome pack on your first day of work?
Was the information regarding supervision arrangements and responsibilities included in the induction/welcome pack?
Were you given a copy of the centre's supervision policy?
8. Safety checks are consistently implemented and action is taken as a result of the checks.
a) Find out when was the last time your vocational work placement implemented safety checks and took action as a result of the checks. You need to coordinate with your supervisor or with the staff in-charge of doing the safety checks for the service.
b) Fill out the Safety Checks Log provided in Sparkling Stars intranet (Click here).
c) In completing the log, you may:
Ask for a copy of the safety checks log, report or document the service has. Copy the content needed to complete the log provided, or
Consult with the person or staff in-charge of the service's safety checks and ask him/her about the following:
- Date of the last safety check
- Premises/sections/rooms in the service that was checks
- General remarks and results of the safety checks
- Areas of concern
- Actions taken and the date actions are done
- Date for the next safety checks
d) Once you have completed the log ask your supervisor or the staff you have consulted to fill out the confirmation form at the end of the document.
e) Submit the document to your assessor and provide the filename.
9. Basic training and testing on how to move and fit car seats, restraints and booster seats is available to all educators.
Find out how educators may avail of the basic training and testing on how to move and fit car seats, restraints and booster seats. Write down how and where they can avail of this training and testing in your vocational work placement.
PART 2: Implement WHS procedures and work instructions
Following the centre's policies on conducting safety assessments, survey the children's learning and play environments including all toys and equipment for safe use, as well as the general environment in the centre as a safe workplace for you.
Once completed, write the relevant safety assessment report.
To ensure successful completion of this step, your report must include the following information:
- Existing hazards identified
- Potential hazards identified
If the centre's standard template for safety assessment reports do not include the required information listed above, use the space provided below:
Existing and potential hazards identified:
Existing hazards identified (list at least two)
Potential hazards identified (list at least two)
Toys and equipment:
Are toys and equipment safe for children?
If answer is yes: Describe how toys and equipment are kept safe for children?
If answer is no: Describe why the toys and equipment are not safe for children?
Are toys and equipment safe to use in their proposed areas?
If answer is yes: Describe how toys and equipment are kept safe to use in their proposed areas?
If answer is no: Describe why the toys and equipment are not safe for use in their proposed areas?
PART 3: Report safety assessment result to designated person
Create an email reporting your safety assessment findings to the designated personnel indicated in the centre's WHS policies. If there are no provisions in the centre's WHS policies on who to report your safety assessment findings to, address the email to your vocational workplace supervisor.
To ensure successful completion of this step, your email must include:
A summary of your safety assessment findings including:
- Safety assessment findings on the children's learning and play areas
- Safety assessment findings on the centre as a safe workplace
Recommendation to help improve safe workplace policies and procedures.
Note - For more details of any question see attached file.
Attachment:- Workplace Health and Safety Assignment File.rar