Reference no: EM132996918 , Length: word count:2000
HLTH 1013 Fitness and Lifestyle Management - University of South Australia
Personal Fitness Project
Aim: To develop and implement a program to improve ONE aspect of your health-related physical fitness. This assignment will allow you to directly apply the theoretical knowledge from the course to a practical and personal context.
Overview: You will be required to identify and select ONE aspect of your health-related physical fitness to develop across a 6-week period. You will create a 6-week program to improve your capabilities and sense of wellbeing in this area. You will research various training principles and select the most appropriate to utilise in your fitness project. Throughout the duration of the program, you will record both objective and subjective data to assist in the writing of your report. You will be required to implement a range of sessions within your current weekly schedule that target your selected area of health-related physical fitness and align with the relevant training methods and principles of training. The 5 aspects of health-related physical fitness we will focus on are:
a) Cardiorespiratory/Aerobic Endurance
b) Muscular Strength
c) Muscular Endurance
d) Flexibility
e) Body Composition
Outline of Personal Fitness Project
1. Rationale (~200 words)
I. Explain and justify (with support from peer-reviewed literature) why you have chosen to develop your specific area of health-related physical fitness. This should be aligned to your personal context and should include how and why improvements in this area of health-related physical fitness are of value to your current circumstances (i.e. sporting commitments, family history of cardiovascular disease, etc.)?
2. Goals (~50 words)
I. Create 2 short term goals that you wish to achieve by the end of the program (6 weeks)
II. Create 2 long term goals that you wish to achieve beyond the completion of the program (between 12 weeks - 12 months)
3. Research of training principles (~600 Words)
I. Provide a brief overview/explanation of the FITT principles and principles of training.
II. Refer to the Physical Activity Pyramid and/or the National Physical Activity Guidelines to explain and justify how you will implement these principles of training within your training program to improve your chosen aspect of health-related physical fitness.
4. Weekly Program Overview (table showing 1 typical week of your life)
I. Provide a tabulated overview of 1 typical week of your weekly program. This should indicate the day(s) for activities and should clearly illustrate how the FITT principles are applied in your program by detailing the specific activities, warm-ups, cool-downs, duration, intensity (Heart Rate or RPE), sets, repetitions, etc.
II. This tabulated weekly overview should clearly illustrate an application of the FITT principles to your chosen aspect of health-related physical fitness.
5. Testing Methods: (~200 words)
I. Identify and discuss 1 testing method (different to the one completed in class) you can use to check the development of your chosen aspect of health-related physical fitness and progress of your program.
II. Explain and justify why you have chosen this testing method.
III. Complete this test at the end of weeks 1, 3, 6 of the program and record your results.
6. Results (Table)
I. Present all testing results in a single table. This should include ALL results from pre/post testing (in class) and your own testing method completed in weeks 1, 3, 6 of the program.
II. Your results need to include the % change in performance, whether it was positive, negative or neutral.
7. Analyse the changes in your fitness and wellbeing (~600 words)
I. What changes (if any) occurred within your selected area of health-related physical fitness? Explain and justify this with support from peer-reviewed literature as well as your specific results from AFEA testing and your chosen testing method from weeks 1, 3, 6 of the program.
II. Discuss how impacting factors such as feelings, motivation, injury, illness, and achievements influenced your ability to complete this program. Your discussion is to be supported by appropriate peer-reviewed literature.
III. Were there any changes in other areas of your wellbeing that you were not focussing upon within this program?
8. Current wellbeing at completion of the program (~200 words)
I. Discuss your current sense of wellbeing and how it compares to the start of this program.
II. Describe your plans beyond this program. This may include further development of the same area of health-related physical fitness, or you may decide to focus on development of a different area.
III. Create 1 new short-term goal and 1 new long-term goal (using the SMART acronym) to outline your future development.
9. Implications for working with children (~150 words)
I. Discuss how this experience has informed how you will work with children and/or adolescents and young adults in planning, enacting and analysing a personal or group activity program.
10. Reference List
I. Adopt correct referencing style (Harvard UniSA) in text and to construct reference list.
Attachment:- Personal Fitness Project Guidelines.rar