HLTAID003 Provide first aid- Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132397870 , Length: word count : 3800

HLTAID003 - Provide first aid, SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery, Australian College of the Professions, Australia


Part 1 : Multiple Choice Questions

All questions need to be answered correctly.

1. A tradesman has been electrocuted while using a drill. Your first action would be to:

A. Check for danger
B. Call an ambulance
C. Begin CPR
D. Slap the person across the face to see if they are conscious

2. The first action in an emergency action plan is:

A. Reassure the casualty
B. Move the casualty
C. Quickly assess the situation
D. Make the conscious casualty sit on the floor

3. A casualty has swallowed a poisonous substance, you should:

A. Ring the poison information centre on 13 11 26, and seek advice
B. Give nothing by mouth and discourage vomiting
C. Give a large amount of water and encourage continual vomiting
D. Rush the casualty to hospital in your own car it is an emergency

4. When managing a casualty with suspected internal bleeding in the stomach, you should:

A. Give frequent sips of water
B. Apply a tight bandage around the stomach
C. Sit them upright to reduce anxiety
D. Lay then flat and bend their knees if possible

5. A Box Jellyfish has stung a casualty, the correct treatment is:

A. Rub wet sand over the stung area and shout loudly for help
B. Apply methylated sprits over the stung area
C. Apply a bite and sting cream over the stung area
D. Apply large amounts of vinegar over the stung area

6. A casualty is having a seizure (fit), you would:

A. Restrain the casualty, and open the airway with a spoon
B. Protect the casualty from injury, but not restrain the casualty
C. Do nothing, and call an ambulance
D. Rush the casualty to hospital in your own car

7. Diabetes is a condition, which is caused by an imbalance of insulin causing high or low sugar in the blood. Treatment is:

A. Get them to drink as much water as possible this will flush the problems from the body
B. If conscious fill their mouth with sugar cubes, this will fix their sugar levels
C. If conscious, give sweet drink repeat if casualty responds
D. Continually slap them on their back and face while getting them to cough

8. A part of the treatment for a casualty having an asthma attack is:

A. Get them to walk around
B. If near a swimming pool get them to go swimming as this will help their asthma
C. Have them shout loudly as this will stimulate regular breathing
D. Assist with the casualty’s bronchodilator medication

9. You witness a high impact road crash and find the driver of one car slumped over the steering wheel. Would you remove this casualty from the vehicle?

A. No – wait for the ambulance to arrive
B. Yes – immediately and quickly
C. Only if the casualty is in danger, and then with great care
D. Only after I have asked the bystanders to tell me that it is safe to do so

10. When doing CPR compressions on a person you hear some ribs break. What should you now do?

A. Stop compressions because you do not want to do any more damage.
B. Check your hand position and continue with the compressions.
C. Turn the person onto their side to support the ribs.
D. Slow down your compressions and the depth of compression to limit the damage.

11. What is your first aid management of a conscious casualty who has received an electrical burn?

A. Turn off power supply, immediately cool burns with water, lightly bandage and seek medical care
B. Call 000 and ask the operator if the area is safe
C. Check the casualty’s airway, breathing and circulation
D. Start CPR immediately as the casualty will not have any signs of life.

12. A casualty has been impaled through the hand with a screwdriver, your first aid management is?

A. Remove the object so you may bandage the wound
B. Rest the casualty, apply padding over the object to keep it still, elevate and arrange medical assistance
C. Apply a restrictive bandage to reduce bleeding
D. Rest the casualty, apply a ring pad around the object, elevate and arrange medical assistance

13. Symptoms of a casualty who has a wound with a cut artery may include? (Give the most correct answer)

A. Pale, cold clammy skin
B. Rapid spurting blood from wound
C. Reduced level of consciousness
D. All of the above

14. The signs and symptoms of internal bleeding include:

A. Red itchy rash, swelling and sweating
B. Pain and tenderness, coughing up blood and shock
C. Numbness and loss of circulation to feet
D. All of the above

15. The treatment R.I.C.E is?

A. Re-assure, Ice pack, Call 000, Elevate limbs
B. Re-assure, Ice pack, Compression, Elevation
C. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
D. Rashes, Itching, Call 000, Evaluation

16. The following signs and symptoms would most likely be found in what injury? Bruising, pain, increasing on movement, swelling, decreased
mobility of the limb, tenderness and pain to the site, a bulge or deformity at the site of a complete tear.

A. Amputated foot
B. A head and spinal Injury
C. Sprain, Strain and Dislocation
D. A burn to both legs

17. The first aid management for a casualty with a suspected sprained ankle is?

A. Rest, ice wrapped in cloth applied for 10 minutes, bandaged elevated and medically assessed
B. Apply ice for 30 minutes, then apply pressure bandage, gently stretch ankle to provide more circulation, 2 Panadol tablets for pain,
and arrange for medical assistance
C. Bandaged tightly to restrict swelling
D. Splinted and rush to hospital

18. Blood and/or fluid oozing from a casualty’s ear (who has suffered a head trauma) most likely indicates:

A. A minor ear infection
B. No significant injury
C. A stroke
D. Fracture of the base of skull

19. A common sign of a fracture/dislocated jaw is;

A. Bleeding from the eyes
B. Teeth do not line up
C. Sweating
D. Confusion

20. The best treatment to support a dislocated or fractured jaw is:

A. Using a Triangle Bandage tie jaw to stop the person talking.
B. Using Sports Tape strap the jaw closed to support jaw
C. Have casualty hold jaw in his/her hand for support
D. Slap the person on the injured side of the face this will jolt the jaw back into place

21. Signs/symptoms of spinal injury include:

A. Tingling/Numbness to back, hands and feet
B. Bruising/Swelling to hands and legs
C. Casualty continually complaining of headaches and sore eyes
D. All of the above

22. A friend is cooking chips at your home, when she knocks the deep fryer spilling hot fat onto her arm. Your initial treatment would be to:

A. Cover the burnt area with a clean sterile non-stick dressing or sheet. Place her injured arm inside the freezer for up to 20 minutes
to cool the burn.
B. Run cool water over the arm at high pressure to remove any excess fat from the burnt area so that he fat will not keep burning
the arm.
C. Cool the burnt area with gentle running, clean, cool water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Cover the burnt area with a clean sterile
non-stick dressing or sheet.
D. Count the number of blisters on the burns and measure the size of burn so ambulance knows the seriousness of the burn. Cover the
burnt area with a clean sterile non-stick dressing or sheet.

23. A known diabetic is found confused, acting abnormal and very sweaty.

A. Do not give the casualty any sugar, as he may have too much
B. Call the ambulance and yell loudly for help
C. Poke the person with a stick to see if they respond abnormally
D. Give a sweet drink

24. An adult is bitten on the arm by a snake. Your first action should be:

A. Clean the wound with antiseptic
B. Apply a compression bandage to the bite site and arm
C. Place a commercial cold pack over the bitten area
D. Ring the Doctor immediately

25. Some of the signs and symptoms for allergic reaction are:

A. Abdominal cramps, bright red skin, difficulty breathing
B. Bright red frothy blood coughed up from the lungs, pale, cold and clammy skin.
C. Blistering, pain around the affected area, skin may peel, and a hoarse voice if the airway is burnt
D. Harsh cough, high temperature, lethargic, noisy breathing, pale, very slow onset of symptoms

26. A casualty has a motor vehicle accident and you find him sitting beside the vehicle. He has pain in the upper left section of his abdomen and looks cold and clammy. He also complains about being dizzy. There are no other injuries.

A. Leave him sitting until the ambulance arrives
B. Lay him down and elevate his legs because of shock
C. Find out if he has loss of memory from the accident
D. Give him something to eat and drink to keep him calm and relaxed.

27. An object that has embedded (stuck) in the eye. Your treatment is:

A. Continually wash the eye with water while pulling the object from the eye
B. Pack lots of ice packs around the eye to reduce the pain
C. Have casualty sit with head between their legs
D. No embedded object can ever be removed, from any part of the eye by a first aider, pad around the eye and seek medical assistance

28. Of the following statements, which one is correct in the treatment of a Red Back Spider bite?

A. Apply a compression bandage to the bite site
B. Bathe in lukewarm water to ease the pain
C. Apply ice packs to the affected limb
D. Apply an antiseptic cream to the bite

29. You examine a casualty who has been shot. You discover a small hole in their chest that is noisy when they breathe. You would:

A. Turn the casualty with the wound facing up
B. Cover the wound with a plastic type wrap, sealing the top and both sides
C. See if you can find the gun so that you can defend yourself and the casualty
D. Plug the hole in the chest by pushing cotton wool into it

30. A casualty with chemical burns to the eye should first?

A. Be placed in the recovery position
B. Have both eyes bandaged and sent to hospital
C. Receive gentle irrigation of the eye with large amounts of water
D. Be asked if they have any allergies

Part 2 - Short Questions

Briefly answer the questions below in the spaces provided.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the correct answer.

TRUE OR FALSE Circle the correct answer.

1. A First Aider's role is to:

2. What do you do in an emergency when someone is injured:

3. Legal Issues in First Aid. The four main issues to consider in first aid are:

4. Once you commence first aid treatment you have taken on an obligation to provide care and treatment that will not increase the risk
to the casualty. You should continue to provide first aid once the treatment is started until:

5. A court would look at the facts. What would these be?

6. Before you start treating a casualty you should ask for and receive their consent for treatment. If the casualty is unable to give consent due to injuries (unconscious) what would you do?

7. List some general guidelines for good recording reports.

8. “General damages” means damages for:

9. List the seven anatomical systems of the human body and give a brief description of each.

10. Priorities in an Emergency. In all emergency situations, the rescuer must:

11. Emergency Action Plan – What are the two main acts you should do?

Your Action Plan should include the following:

12. How to Call an Ambulance (Please detail the main steps you should follow)

13. The Chain of Survival

1st Link -
2nd Link -
3rd Link -
4th Link -

14. First Aid Hygiene.

1. Examples of first aid barriers recommended are:

2. Explain what you should to:

Before Treatment
During Treatment
After Treatment

Moving a Casualty

15. The first aider should only move an unconscious or injured casualty if:

16. If movement of the casualty is required:

17. Prior to shifting a casualty, under normal circumstances ensure:

18. Give a definition for unconsciousness

19. Complete the Basic Life support Flow Chart Below

20. Airway management is required to provide an open airway when the casualty:

21. Partial Obstruction – What are the signs of a partial airway obstruction?

22. Complete Obstruction – What are the main signs of a complete airway obstruction?

23. After an unconscious casualty’s airway is cleared, the next step is to check whether or not the casualty is breathing (more than occasional gasp). The rescuer should:

_______________ and______________for the movement of the upper abdomen or lower chest, and; _______________and______________ for the escape from nose and mouth.

24. What is the treatment for Heart Attack?

25. Give and explanation of what is Angina.

26. What are the signs and symptoms for Angina?

27. What is the treatment for Angina?

28. What are the signs and symptoms for Heart Failure?

29. What is the treatment for Heart Failure?

30. Initial steps of resuscitation are:

31. What are the Four Main tools that assist in assessing a casualty while doing a Secondary Survey? (Name and Give definition of each)

32. What does AMPLE mean?

33. Head to Toes Assessment

The secondary survey is conducted in a methodical manner from which signs, symptoms and history can be established and is started at the
head of the casualty. Explain the Head to Toe Assessment.

Chest (Thorax)
Stomach (Abdomen) and Hips (Pelvis)

34. The three main causes of shock (3) main categories:

35. Treatment of Shock As a first aider, you can reduce some of the factors that lead to the shock process by:

36. List the different types of burns and give a brief description of each.

37. Treatment of Burns – What steps should you follow in the treatment of burns?

38. What to Do First – What steps should you follow in the event of a Trauma Accident?

39. Explain how to remove a Helmet

40. Explain what Triage is.

41. When you have multiple casualties, you should ask yourself three questions:

42. List the 4 main types of External Wounds and give a description for each type.

43. List your treatment for External Wounds.

44. Signs and Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction:

45. What are the Signs and Symptoms for Snake bites?

46. What is the treatment for a Snake Bite?

47. What are the Signs and Symptoms for Tick bites?

48. Allergic reactions rarely occur in a Tick Bite, but when they do, the signs and symptoms are:

49. What is the treatment for Tick bites?

50. What are the Signs and Symptoms for Red-back Spider?

51. What is the treatment for Red-back Spider bites?

52. If someone is stung by a Bee, Wasp or Ant what are the symptoms and signs that may be present?

53. What is the treatment for someone stung by a Bee, Wasp or Ant?

54. What Skin Markings from various jellyfish would you look out for?

55. What is the treatment for Irukandji Jellyfish and Chironex Box Jellyfish?

56. What is the treatment for Non-tropical Bluebottle stings?

57. What is the treatment for Other Jellyfish?

58. What is the treatment for Fish Stings?

59. Complete the table below.

Poisoning can be either accidental or intentional. Poisonous
substances can enter the body via:

60. The treatment for poisoning is:

61. FAST is a simple way to for remembering the signs of stroke.

62. What is the treatment for a Stroke?

63. How is heat exhaustion caused?

64. What are the signs and symptoms for Heat Exhaustion?

65. What is the treatment for Heat Exhaustion?

66. Give a definition for Hypothermia.

67. Some of the causes of Hypothermia are:

68. What is the treatment for Hypothermia?

69. What is treatment for Head Injuries?

70. What are the signs and symptoms for Spinal Injury?

71. What is the treatment for Spinal Injuries?

72. List the 3 types of Chest Injuries and give a description for each type.

73. What is the treatment for Chest Injuries?

74. When treating an open chest wound you should cover it with an airtight dressing. Why do you only tape the top and 2 sides of the dressing?

75. What are the signs and symptoms for Abdominal injuries?

76. What is the treatment for Abdominal injuries?

77. Give a definition for a Sprain.

78. What are the signs and symptoms for a Sprain?

79. Give a definition for a muscle strain

80. Symptoms of a muscle strain can vary, depending on how severe the strain is, and what signs and symptoms may this include?

81. The Treatment for sprains and strains is summarised using the acronym RICE. Give a definition for each letter

82. Give a description for a dislocation.

83. What are the signs and symptoms of a dislocation?

84. What is the treatment for a dislocation?

85. Give a description for each type of fracture.

86. What are the signs and symptoms of a fracture?

87. What is the treatment for a simple fracture?

88. What are some of the reasons for fainting?

89. What is the treatment for fainting?

90. What is the treatment for someone with Epilepsy having a fit or seizure?

91. Give a description for Diabetes.

92. What is the treatment for Diabetes?

93. The onset of an asthma attack can be recognised by one or more of what symptoms and signs:

94. What is the treatment for Asthma?

95. What are the 2 most common causes for Hyperventilation?

96. What are the signs and symptoms for hyperventilation?

97. What is the treatment for hyperventilation?

98. What is the treatment for epiglottis?

Reference no: EM132397870

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HLTAID003 Provide first aid- Assignment Problem : HLTAID003 - Provide first aid Assignment Help and Solutions, SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Australian College of the Professions.
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