Hle-1150 personal and community health assignment

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132901017

HLE-1150 Personal and Community Health - Prince Georges Community College

Health Research Project

Part I: Literature Review

TOPIC: Part 1- COVID 19- Literature Review - Health Research Paper


The introduction of your paper should introduce the health topic that you have researched. Your introduction should include the following:

1. A thorough general overview about your and your chosen health topic and target group.

2. Make sure that your introduction includes a thesis statement.
Example Thesis Statement: Smoking cigarettes has been one of the greatest risk factors in developing lung cancer.

Thesis Statement Guidelines

Body of Paper:

The body of your paper should include the following:

1. Detailed information about your chosen health topic.

2. Target Group: What group of people is this health issue affecting (ex: African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, Elderly, Children, Teenagers or College Students)?

3. Statistics/Prevalence - (Evidence of the impact of the issue): Include supporting facts and details about the health topic (include at least one statistic about your health topic).

4. Best Practices: What is being done to address this health issue? Discuss at least one program, organization or initiative that addresses your health issue and target group.


The conclusion of your paper should include the following:

1. Summarize your findings.
2. Do you have any suggestions about how to address this issue? Is there a need for more programs or initiatives to address this issue?

Your literature review should be 4-6 pages long.

APA Style Requirement

Attachment:- Health Research Project.rar

Reference no: EM132901017

Questions Cloud

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Hle-1150 personal and community health assignment : HLE-1150 Personal and Community Health Assignment Help and Solution, Prince Georges Community College - Assessment Writing Service
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Write a Review

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