HIV and AIDS are the same medical condition

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Reference no: EM133598214

1. HIV and AIDS are the same medical condition.

A. True

B. False

2. HIV particles preferentially target T cells positive for CD4.

A. True

B. False

3.. HIV can successfully infect human cells by binding to CD4 receptor alone.

A. True

B. False

4.. HIV vaccine has been available since 1982.

A. True

B. False

5. Once entering human T cell, HIV RNA forms HIV DNA with help of

A. transcription factors

B. RNA polymerase

C. ribosomes

D. Reverse transcriptase

E. Telomerase

6. Once HIV completes replication using human T cells, HIV ______________.

A. Keep those T cells for future use for a few days

B. Keep those T cells for several years

C. Keep some of those T cells for future use

D. Destroys those T cells

7. Within 48 hours post exposure to HIV, the individual should be treated for the presence of IgM for diagnosis.

A. True

B. False

8. To continue with Question-7 above, please explain why you selected the answer of choice, whether "true" or "false."

9. Destruction of helper T cells by HIV affects overall immune capacity of the host because

A. When helper T cells are destroyed by HIV, it is impossible to activate killer T cells.

B. When helper T cells are destroyed by HIV, it is impossible to activate Natural Killer (NK) cells

C. When helper T cells are destroyed by HIV, it is impossible to activate B cells

D. All of the above

E. All except B

10. Without treatment, it takes _______ years for CD4 T cell count to fall below 200.

A. 1-2

B. 2-5

C. 2-8

D. 2-10

11. The first HIV drug is called

A. Antibiotics


C. Neomycin

D. Penicillin

12. HIV mono-therapy is less effective because the virus develops _______ very fast to single drugs.

A. Apoptosis

B. Resistance

C. Synthesis

D. Infectivity

13. AIDS symptoms include all EXCEPT:

A. Sweats and chills

B. Recurring fever

C. chronic diarrhea

D. Enlarged spleen

E. Swollen lymph nodes

F. Persistent lesions on tongue, mouth, and skin

G. Weakness, persistent fatigue, and weight loss

14. Blood stem cells are not found in

A. Red marrow

B. Yellow marrow

15.. Stem cells that differentiate to become cartilage, adipocytes, and bone cells are found in

A. Red marrow

B. Yellow marrow

16. In leukemia, abnormal WBCs outnumber normal blood cells.

A. True

B. False

17. Reed-Sternberg cells are present in

A. Hodgkin's lymphoma

B. Non Hodgkin's lymphoma

18. Mantle Cell Lymphoma is a type of

A. Hodgkin's lymphoma

B. Non Hodgkin's lymphoma

19. Cancer cells grow very fast and are typically

A. Single uncleated

B. Multi nucleated

20. To continue with Question-19 above, please explain the advantage for cancer cells based on the answer you have selected:

21. Lymphoblast cells are _____ in morphological shape.

A. Square

B. triangular

C. rounded

D. rectangular

22.. If 50 μL of cells in suspension was mixed with 150 μL of a dye called trypan blue. What is the DF?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 8

23. Steven mixed 30 μL of cells with 170 μL of cell culture media, then transferred 10 μL to the hemocytometer and counted 500 cells from 3 squares under the microscope.

What is the number of cells per mL? Please write down ALL calculations steps.

24.. To continue with Question-23, what is the number of cells per mL?

25.An experimental study for cancer treatment injected engineered herpes simple virus (HSV) into the tumor that led to cancer cell death on the laboratory. When recruiting participants for the clinical trial, one of the criteria is prior HSV infection.

Can you explain the rationale for this criterion?

Reference no: EM133598214

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