History of the human race and write a counter essay

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133414738

Writing an essay. Instructions for Critical Essay

• Read Jarod Diamond's article, "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" and write a "counter essay" arguing that what the Human Race did was rather the "best" or the "right" action, not the "worst mistake" as Diamond claims.

• Sources: While your focus should be on the assigned material, you will be required to use two outside sources to support your points.

When you quote the assigned material or additional sources, put the page number in parenthesis in the text. Avoid long quotations;
paraphrase author's ideas in your own words.

• The essay should be 900-1000 words. I will check the authenticity of your paper through turnitin.com. Plagiarism will have serious consequences (see the syllabus for "Academic Dishonesty") including getting F in the essay or in the course.



Reference no: EM133414738

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