History of greek drama video

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13252909

View the History of Greek Drama video: youtu.be/dmBDfl9YJY4

View as many of the 60second Recap videos on Oedipus Rex (King): youtu.be/BiW2NkhTL1o

Answer the following questions in 500 words.

a. What is the most interesting information you learned about Greek drama or festivals in the History of Greek Drama video? Why is this interesting to you?

b. List out at least 8 contributing factors that moved the tragedy of Oedipus forward. These might be character traits, complications of plot, etc.

c. Who or What do you think is really to blame for the tragedy of Oedipus? Explain your answer in 200 words.

d. How does the author of the Temple blog on Oedipus and sight describe the story as an inner journey for Oedipus as well as an outer journey? Explain.

e. How does the author of the Temple blog explain how "sight" and "seeing" are important in the play?

Reference no: EM13252909

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