Reference no: EM13784051
1. Karl Marx asserts that history is the history of class struggles.
2. According to Marx, one set of classes is lord and serf
3. Whatever the classes are in a period of history, the struggle, Marx asserts, is between the oppressor and the oppressed.
4. Marx holds that in the industrial age, the two classes are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
S. Marx thinks that the steam engine is responsible for revolutionizing industrial production.
6. Marx also characterizes the struggle between classes as a struggle between the exploiter and the exploited.
7. Marx thinks that the only freedom in the industrial age is free trade.
S. Marx also holds that in the current age, personal worth has been reduced to exchange value.
9. Marx asserts that the bourgeois need for ever expanding markets for its products has sent the bourgeoisie over the whole surface of the globe.
10. Marx observes that new industries destroy old industries which disrupt society.
I I. Marx thinks that the current situation results in old wants being replaced by new wants.
12. According to Marx, one result of the industrial revolution has been the creation of enormous cities.
13. Marx believes that the bourgeoisie have created the weapon that will bring about its own destruction.
14. For the workers or proletarians. the new modes of production have removed all significant differences in age and sex.
15. Marx held that the only way for communism to triumph was by means of a violent revolution.
16. Marx adapted the dialectical method of Hegel to undergird his thought.
17. Marx's dialectic was one of materialism not idealism.
18. Marx believed that the bourgeoisie means of production led to widespread alienation.
19. Although Marx was a fervent revolutionist, he thought the fall of capitalism was inevitable.
20. With the triumph of communism, Marx taught that the state would wither away.
21. Adolf Hitler wrote that the Aryan race was superior to all other races.
22. Hitler asserted that without the Aryan race the world would eventually turn into a desert.
23. Hitler believed that the Aryans were the founders of culture,
24. Hitler argues that it is appropriate for Aryans to subject lower peoples.
25. According to Hitler. superior cultures fail because superior peoples mix their blood with inferior peoples.
26. Hitler opposes Marxism.
27. John Rawls places himself in the social contract tradition along with Locke. Rousseau, and Kant,
28. Rawls fundamentally equates justice with fairness.
29. Rawls calls his starting point the "original position."
30. Rawals conceives of his original position as a hypothetical state of affairs and not as an actual historical situation.
31. In the original position the individuals creating a new society are to be behind a " veil of ignorance " according to rawls.
32. The persons who are trying to develop the principles for this new and just society are equal.
33. The parties in the original position are expected to be rational and mutually disinterested.