Reference no: EM132198697
Assignment -
Objective - This proposal will systematically identify, assess and control ergonomic, manual handling risks to staff who use the cash register system, and to provide alternative solutions in accordance with best practice standards to mitigate WHS risk to staff. Allowing provisions for a different cash register workstation that better meets ergonomics requirements.
It is proposed that this project will be conducted in four stages as outlined below:
1. Desktop Review
2. Quantitative Risk Assessment
3. Best Practice Risk Controls
4. Documenting Safe Work Procedure
Stage 1: Desktop Review
1.1 Historical analysis of incident, hazard and near miss reports and investigations in relation to manual handling strain that have occurred to Reject Shop staff
1.2 Revise the current internal manual handling safe work procedures/practices
1.3 A brief survey will be conducted to determine the level of issues each staff member at the cashier is experiencing, these results will be looked at further. Task (e.g. size, shape and weight of objects, awkward movements such as twisting, benching and over-reaching, employees experiencing discomfort).
It is proposed that 2-3 days be allocated to this activity. Following this a report will be provided reviewing the findings of the desktop review and the key elements/recommendations to be assessed during stage 2.
Stage 2: Quantitative Risk Assessment
2.1 An ergonomic risk assessment will be conducted of the workstation at the Reject Shop to gauge high risk areas of the task. The design and layout of the workstation will be assessed which will include:
- Working heights
- The type and position of equipment such as bags, scanning equipment and scales
- The need for lifting, twisting, stooping and reaching while performing the tasks;
- The type of floor surfaces, whilst the operator is standing;
- Ergonomic design of chair or sit/stand stool, while operator is sitting;
- The leg clearance
- The space around the workstation.
Photographs would be taken at this stage. There would be an allocation of 1 day for the site visit and the risk assessment program.
Stage 3: Determine Practicable Best Practice Risk Controls
3.1 Upon completion of stages 1 and 2, an ergonomic risk assessment will be undertaken and a report will be completed identifying best practice risk controls. Emphasis will be placed on the cash register layout and provide alternative redesigned modified cash register layouts which would better suit the checkout attendant taking into consideration the following points outline below:
- work and work organization
- checkout workstation, such as working height, leg clearance, space around the workstation
- position of equipment, such as shopping bags, scanning equipment and scales;
3.2 These controls will be further benchmarked with other retail sectors to ensure best practice is achieved
It is proposed for a total of 2 days to be allocated for conducting the risk assessment and to benchmark with other retail sectors.
Stage 4: Documenting the Safe Work Procedure
4.1 The relevant safe work procedure will be developed once the risk controls assessment has been completed and finalized. Using the information and pictures taken previously from stages 1 to 3.
4.2 Provide training on the new workstation layout and supporting safe work procedure
It is proposed that a total of 3 days be allocated to the preparation of the relevant safe work procedure and an additional 0.5 day for providing training and guidance on the new workstation setup and system.
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