Historic and generational trauma community faces

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Reference no: EM133612736

As argued by Tuck (2009), which of the following research strategies would be considered 'desire-based':

1. Making space for the contradictions and complexities of lived lives.

2. Documenting specific cases of violence that marginalized communities experience.

3. Emphasizing the historic and generational trauma a community faces.

4. Making space for the legal implications of societal discrimination.

Reference no: EM133612736

Questions Cloud

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Historic and generational trauma community faces : Making space for the contradictions and complexities of lived lives. Emphasizing the historic and generational trauma a community faces.
Discuss how the lyrics to strange fruit conveys : Discuss how the lyrics to 'Strange Fruit' conveys the depths of racism include sociological concepts as you examine the lyrics.
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Spatial organization and development of cities : Assess the Burgess. Hoyt. and Harris and Ullman models as frameworks for understanding the spatial organization and development of cities.


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