Hippocratic humoral medicine-vannevar bush-medicalization

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Reference no: EM13198861

1) Hippocratic Humoral medicine was _____________

a) Holistic
b) Explained sickness as imbalance
c) Its strength was in focusing on the patient not the disease
d) All of the above
e) a & b only

2) Vannevar Bush _______________________

a) Declared the 1990s "The Decade of the Brain."
b) Argued for government-funded basic science
c) Called science "the final frontier"
d) Discovered penicillin
e) Developed therapeutic optimism

3) Medicalization is _________________________

a) The transformation of human conditions into treatable disorders
b) Made nutrition a science
c) Cast shyness as social anxiety order
d) All of the above
e) a & c only

4) Post-Revolutionary Paris clinicians recognized they could understand disease but could not keep people from dieing. This acknowledgement of medicine's limitations while committing to the study of disease is known as _____________________________

a) Therapeutic skepticism
b) Therapeutic optimism
c) Therapeutic nihilism
d) Therapeutic pessimism
e) Therapeutic idealism

5) The concept that disease is in the air or soil is considered __________

a) Holism
b) Humoral medicine
c) Germ theory
d) Aerobic theory
e) Miasmatic theory

6) Post WW II therapeutic optimism ended because ___________

a) People died from AIDS
b) Cancer was harder to cure than polio
c) The U.S. lost the Vietnam War
d) Scandals made the public lose faith in the medical establishment
e) Both b & d

7) A primary source is ________________

a) Better than a secondary source
b) A first-hand account of the period and place being studied
c) Written by a scholar
d) Excludes things like maps, government documents, & clothing
e) Must be over 100 years old

8) The "medical gaze" is __________________

a) Detached, impersonal, & reductive
b) "Museum science"
c) Made management of disease & health part of public policy
d) Made hospitals places to investigate disease
e) All of the above

9) Pasteur's Poilly-le-Fort demonstration was important because ______

a) It showed the laboratory was connected to the world
b) He proved to important people that his anthrax vaccine worked
c) He won a Nobel Prize for the demonstration
d) All of the above
e) a & b only

10) The stethoscope _____________________

a) Allowed for comparison between patients
b) Is a symbol of modern medicine
c) Created the idea of a unified disease
d) All of the above
e) a & c only

11) Galen ________________________

a) Postulated a circulation where the heart infused blood with "vital spirits"
b) Was a Roman gladiator
c) Created Hippocratic medicine
d) Learned anatomy through human dissection
e) Synthesized and systematized thousands of Greek texts

12) Medicine in medieval & early modern Christendom was divided into 3 separate spheres. These were______________

a) Physicians, patients, hospitals
b) Physicians, surgeons, apothecaries
c) Physicians, patrons, common people
d) Midwives, physicians, wives of noblemen
e) Nobles, clergy, everyone else

13) Vesalius' "On the Fabric of the human body" was as important to medicine as Copernicus' On the Revolutions was for cosmology because 

a) It suggested Galen might be wrong
b) It set a program for the new medicine
c) It laid the groundwork for observation-based anatomy
d) All of the above
e) b & c only

14) Vitalism was _________________

a) Promoted by René Descartes
b) A shift from what the patient felt to what the doctor found
c) A doctrine that phenomena are only partly controlled by mechanical forces
d) The idea that something can come from nothing
e) All of the above

15) Public health is _________________________

a) Measures that address the health of a population rather than just an individual
b) Vaccination, sanitation, quarantine
c) Often coercive
d) Became more important with modern industrialization
e) All of the above

16) How are imperialism & medicine connected?

a) Medicine allowed Europeans to survive diseases that had killed them in the past
b) Expansion allowed Europeans to learn about medicines used by other cultures
c) Expansion allowed for worldwide spread of Western medicine
d) All of the above
e) a & c only

17) Eugenics ____________________

a) Was the foundation for Nazi racial hygiene
b) Applied artificial selection to humanity
c) Could be positive or negative
d) All of the above
e) a & b only

18) Thalidomide ___________

a) Was a non-lethal sedative rushed to market in Europe
b) Was never approved by the FDA
c) Prompted legislation related to changes in clinical trials
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

19) The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was ________________________

a) A secret human experiment
b) A 40-year U.S. Public Health Service study of untreated syphilis in black men
c) An experiment on how penicillin affected syphilis
d) All of the above
e) a & b only

20) Long term consequences of the AIDS epidemic include: __________________

a) Changes in clinical trials from protection to a balance of risks & benefits
b) New therapeutic optimism around designer drugs
c) Continued therapeutic pessimism
d) All of the above
e) a & b only 

Reference no: EM13198861

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